Securing Tomorrow

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With the bombshell dropped about (Y/N)'s Slayer Mark, Ayame and Tojurou were in obvious shock. Yet, (Y/N) soon whistled and pointed at his eyes with a soft grin.

"We'll get to that when the time comes. Okay? Tojurou, can you fight?"


"Then don't. I need your help to go to every house and get everyone out through the backdoors. This may get messy and I don't want civilian casualties. Ojou? This'll be one helluvah honeymoon for us."

With a large grin directed at Ayame, she turned a bright red as Tojurou, despite being bruised a bit at the face and having the cut on his brow, still gave a large smile as he dashed off. However, Yin launched a tendril at a dashing Tojurou that was intercepted by (Y/N) suddenly appearing behind him. Slashing upward, a streak of flames that shot into the night sky would cut the tendril in half like a piece of sashimi.

Reeling his tendril back with a hiss of pain, Yin simply grinned as he waited for the tendril to just come back together yet. He was met with a grim reality as the searing pain of burning flesh filled his body befofe yelling out. Cutting that tendril off, it fell to the ground as it then burst into flames. This filled Yin with both confusion and fear as he whipped his head up to see Ayame staring in awe at (Y/N) grinning as his blade dug into the ground. He naturally gave off heat and the flames seemed to actually be coming from him.

"Sixth Form. Unwavering Flame. Yin? I fully intend on cutting your head off. And I needed every bit of training. I'm not the same scarred boy from a few months ago."

As Yin growled, his cut tendril would grow back as he let out a small sinister chuckle. Seeing this, (Y/N) simply went blank in the facw before shrugging and reeling his blade back. Breaking from her trance, Ayame would follow his steps as she pointed both her blades at Yin.

"Then I'll just cut you down to pieces before finally getting your head. Let's go, Ojou!"

Springing forward with a roar, Ayame followed from behind with small roar of her own as Yin let out a hearty chuckle. Running into a nearby yard, Tojurou quickly hopped over the wall of the home with no issue as he then ran up to the door. Pressing the door bell nonstop, he waited a bit impatiently as he groaned and began to knock heavily.

"I'm here! I'm here! I called your station earlier and you're just now-...? Tojurou...? Oh my heavens! Boy! What happened to you!? And why are you carrying a katana!?"

An elderly woman stood at the door after Tojurou had stopped banging on it. Looking at him, she noted every little detail from the cut above his brow, the bruising, the torn clothes, everything. Giving her a small smile, he made sure to tuck the blade behind him yet, before he could get a word out, there came a loud explosion from behind the wall as (Y/N)'s voice was heard yelling "Unknowing Flame!"

"What is going on!?"

"It's a long story, Nana! I need you to leave your house through the back immediately!"

"I...I don't know what is happening but, I will trust you. Please be safe, boy."

Giving Tojurou a small hug, she hurried on into her home as Tojurou winced out before hopping over the wall again. This time, he was barely able to avoid being hit by (Y/N) whow as pushed back by Yin in an attack. Giving Tojurou a small reassuring grin, he then jumped into the air with his balde pointed forward before shotting forward in a spiral flame almost like a bullet. He did it in time to block one of Yin's attacks from hitting Ayame as she then took the chance. Jumping up with both blades, she slashed downwards with a small roar.

With Yin distracted, he turned to his tendrils to intercept Ayame and ultimately block her slash. Her blades actually became embedded in the spines of the tendrils as Yin grew a more wicked grin. Flinging Ayame around, she wailed a bit as (Y/N) was forced to hop up and slash the man's tendril off. This left him open to an attck that Yin planned as he shot his claw down at him before (Y/N) could properly get into position. Yet, there came a large boom along with a streak of flames that intercepted the two.

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