Loosening Up

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It has been about two days since (Y/N) finally proved his worth and became a fully fledged Demon Slayer...However, Yaketsuku had told him that as a celebration, the two would go into the forest nearby. A camping trip that lasts the weekend...Which meant tomorrow would be that trip.

To enjoy the time in the meantime, (Y/N) decided to visit Ayame in her workspace via travelling over on foot. Of course, he carried his nichirin blade underneath his clothing on his back. His Demon Slayer outfit was now nicely clean and tidy so, it was definitely now more paler brown than burnt soot. Not to mention he himself was now cleaner.

Approaching the front desk, a receptionist woman in a blue knee-skirt and blazer with heels held a headset on her head before she noticed (Y/N). Tilting her head a bit before smiling softly.

"Hello, sir. Can I help you?"

"I'm looking for someone by the name of Ayame. Is she in?"

"Why I believe so. Are you perhaps working together or...?"

"Oh! Uhm...Didn't know I needed an appointment. Just tell her that (Y/N) passed by."

Nodding softly, (Y/N) felt a bit saddened as he went to leave whilst the woman spoke into the microphone. However, she soon stopped and yelled out.

"Wait! She said she will be down here soon. You may stay."

"Oh! Nice!"

Walking back over to the desk, there would be relative silence as the women worked on her laptop. Thats when she broke the silence for just a bit.

"I really like your cosplay. It looks like the real thing."

'I really need to cover up...'


Hearing Ayame's voice, he turned his head to her direction and grinned softly when their eyes met. Ayame's smile very much prominently before they walked up to one another and met half way. Capturing the other in a hug that made the taller of the two stumble back a bit due to Ayame practically diving at him.



"How you been?!"

Pulling away from one another with (Y/N) having his hands on her shoulders as Ayame giggled and placed hers on his forearms. The two of them smiling heavily as the receptionist would actually watch in complete bewilderment.

"Missing you! So...how was-?"

"I passed. With flying colors. Although, Rengoku-sama said I need to work on my TCB."

"Ah. You shifted too quickly without shifting your breathing, huh? Yeah it happens."

The two would giggle and smile at the other before a familiar voice was heard coming from behind Ayame. Looking at the source, Shion came into view with a bit of a glare.

"Oi! We're in the middle of a stream! Why did you suddenly-...!? Is that...?"

"Sup' Garlic~?"

Shion stood in her tracks as she would see the boy of four months ago but, he seemed trully different as his body looked sturdier. Before, he was built well and it showed but, with all the training the Rengokus put him through? It was now truly visible even to the most naked of eyes.

"Well...I'll be! First that light show now this? You here to burn the place down? If so, let me go grab my stuff first."


(Y/N) seemed confused as he even tilted his head a bit while Ayame and Shion looked at one another. The garlic of whom would pull out a smartphone and play a video tilted "Nightly Firestorm?" taken from the night (Y/N) had trained, as indicated from the date below the video. In the video, it was obviously taken from a office window prespective of a flickering light off in the distance on the face of the mountain until suddenly, those lightly shot forward then upwards into the air, crashing downwards before becoming a flaming spire in the sky. Then it grew even more intense as it suddenly began to crash into the ground and grew so tall that the now recognizable flames turned into something of a flaming tiger. There was more though as everything went still with a large explosion.

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