Chapter 7

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The next morning Angelika had walked over to the office to start her day. The conversation she'd had with Happy the night before still heavy on her mind. Juice hadn't told Gemma the rest of what he found out about her new employee. Happy told him to keep the information to himself. The IO was terrified of incurring the wrath of his brother for going against that. Gemma walked into the office to see Angelika already there working filing papers from the previous evening. She greeted the young woman who just grunted back. 'What is she taking lessons from Happy on how to communicate now?' Gemma thought as she sat down at her desk.

Angelika remained quiet throughout the day which wasn't really new. Juice brought their lunch to them after he and the prospect returned from getting it. She sat at the picnic table just outside the office to eat lunch in peace. Happy looked over and sighed. He'd hoped she'd start to open up at least a little and try to get to know him and his brothers more. Everything she'd told him the previous evening made his instincts to protect her all the stronger. Even if she was only eighteen and could technically take care of herself, he wanted that job. To make sure she was safe and taken care of. To make her happy. He was jabbed in the ribs by Tig who just laughed at the glare he received from the Killah.

After lunch, Gemma sent Juice and Ratboy out to do some repos. Everyone else got back to working on cars. Angelika did as she was hired to do. Since it was a Friday, Gemma paid her for the work she'd done that week in cash. "Since I know you don't have a bank account." Gemma told her as she handed the cash over. Angelika thanked her as she clocked out then headed towards the clubhouse. Ratboy went to whistle at her as she strolled by but Chibs was quick to tell him to leave her alone. After asking why, he explained what happened when Tig slapped her ass. "Leave the lass alone. She's off limits." Chibs stated.

Happy was curious as to how Angelika was going to take one of their Friday night parties. It got loud and rambunctious at the clubhouse. Music was cranked up. Crow eaters everywhere trying to hook up with any Son she could. Bikers looking for easy pussy. Angelika was not a crow eater or sweet butt. Although he had no claims to her, yet at least, he still didn't want another man to touch the young woman. She'd been through enough in her young life already. When food had been brought for everyone before the party began, Juice went to go tell Angelika that dinner had been brought. She cautiously left her room, making sure to lock it behind her, and headed out to the main room.

There were more bikers there than when she'd gotten off work. Most let her get a plate before they descended upon the food. She grabbed a bottle of water and went to find herself a seat. Happy nodded towards himself so she walked over to his table. She'd been forced to open up to him and she was still unsure of how she felt about that. On one hand she hated talking about it and on the other it was a relief. He didn't seem to judge her or look down on her with pity. He looked at her with sympathy and something else. He finally made his way into the kitchen to make himself a plate as Chibs sat down at their table.

"You ready for the party tonight?" Chibs inquired making her shrug.

"Never been to a biker party." She replied.

"It gets wild. Don't get offended at the half-naked women trying to hook up with every Son here." Chibs laughed.

"You're all grown adults. Do what you like." She stated as she continued to eat.

She didn't plan on sticking around the main room after she ate. She was going back to her room to hide. Happy sat down and looked over at her plate with a grunt. He wanted her to get her fill.

"Stick by me tonight, little girl." Happy suddenly stated making both Chibs and Angelika look over at him curiously.

"Why?" She asked.

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