Chapter 38

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She followed him out to his bike and waited for him to climb on before following suit. She clung tightly to him trying to keep from falling off as he navigated them back to T-M. Happy was seething at the way Hale had treated his 'ol lady simply because she was with him. The Tacoma Killah was thinking of all the ways he wanted to kill the Deputy Chief as he pulled into the clubhouse. Gemma was glad to see Angelika back but wondered what was going on when Happy pulled her along into the clubhouse. Jax said Hale had gotten rough with her and had put her in a cell with a woman who had attacked her making Gemma huff.

"Chibs, need you to check her over." Happy stated as they walked over to the pool table where the medic was playing a game against Quinn.

"Wha' 'appened t' ya, lass?" Chibs inquired.

"Was put into a cell with a woman who immediately attacked me. She slammed my head up against the wall more than once and now I'm feeling light-headed and nauseas. Getting a headache too." Angelika explained.

"Let me get my kit and I'll look ya over." Chibs handed his stick to Tig who had wanted to play the winner.

"Sit down, little girl." Happy commanded.

Chibs soon returned with his medical kit and knelt in front of the young blond. She held onto Happy's arm as she felt like the room was spinning.

"Tell me 'ow you're feelin' now." Chibs asked as he shined a light in her eyes to check her pupils.

"Headache is definitely there. Dizziness is getting worse. Nausea is still there. There's this ringing in my ears now. It seems like the room is starting to spin." She explained.

"Seems ya 'ave a concussion, love. Take it easy. No playing sports, reduce TV time, and get some extra rest." Chibs told her.

"Can I go sleep? I'm really tired." She asked.

"I don't see any dilated pupils and you seemed t' walk in 'ere just fine so you should be ok t' go t' sleep. Might do ya some goo'." Chibs stated as he closed up his kit.

"Come on, little girl." Happy said as he stood and then helped her up off the couch.

She clung to his arm as he helped her to a dorm room for the afternoon. Jax wanted to know how she was so Chibs told him about her concussion and what symptoms she was exhibiting. "Poor thing." Jax shook his head, "I'll let ma know she's alone in the office the rest of the afternoon." Chibs went to put his kit away before walking back into the clubhouse. Gemma was surprised to hear about the concussion and how her office assistant was feeling. She told Jax to tell Happy if Angelika needed anything to let her know. The blond biker promised he'd pass the message along. It didn't take long for Angelika to drift off to sleep when Happy brought her to a room.

Angelika slept until Happy entered the room to wake her up to go home. She was surprised how late she'd slept but still felt exhausted. He could tell she was still a bit dizzy so he slid his arm around her waist and helped her out to his bike. Once she climbed on, she leaned up against him and closed her eyes. Her grip around his waist was tight before he headed off to their home. He planned on ordering in so she could head straight to bed and get the rest she needed. The whole ride home, he was afraid she was going to fall asleep and fall off the bike but she never did. They finally pulled up into their driveway where he sighed as he parked his bike. She slid off the machine and waited for him.

He walked her into the house and then to their bedroom. "Strip down and get into bed." he ordered before leaving the room to figure out what he wanted to eat that night. Not knowing if she'd feel up to eating, especially if she was still feeling nauseas, he opted for his favorite. He called in his order, ordering some for her too just in case, and got his money ready. When he walked into the bedroom, she was curled up with the TV on trying to watch it. She still wasn't feeling well going by the look on her face.

"I've ordered us dinner. You should try to eat some." He told her.

"I feel so bad though." She replied.

"I know, little girl. But you don't need to be skipping meals. It's not healthy." He retorted, "I'll bring it to you in bed so you don't have to leave."

"Thank you." She gave a weak smile to him.

He made his way back to the living room to await their dinner. As he was almost done cleaning his gun, there came a knock at the door. He cautiously got up to see who it was. Relaxing some when he saw it was the delivery guy, he grabbed his money and opened the door. They exchanged money for food then he shut and locked the door. He grabbed utensils and paper towels from the kitchen then made his way down the hall to the bedroom. When she saw him come in with their food, she reluctantly sat up. "I'll be right back." he told her before he left the room again. When he returned, he had a beer and a bottle of water.

He stripped down to his boxers then climbed into bed before digging in the bag to separate their food. He handed her two boxes. One with Orange Chicken and the other with Honey Sesame Chicken in it. She thanked him for dinner earning a grunt in response. He dug into his Beef and Broccoli as he turned his attention to the TV. She ate about half of each box before she couldn't eat anymore. He was satisfied with how much she'd eaten so when he took his left-overs to the kitchen to put them in the fridge, he took her containers as well. It was still early in the evening but he knew she needed some comforting after what had happened to her that day. Feisty though she may be, she was still vulnerable at times.

He got himself settled in bed once more before pulling her into him. One arm wrapped around her shoulders and one arm tucked behind his head. She laid her head on his chest above his heart and draped her arm over his tattooed stomach. As hard as she tried to focus on the show she'd been watching, she could barely keep her eyes open. As she drifted to sleep, she mumbled out "Mmmloveyou." He looked down to see she had fallen asleep and smiled before kissing her forehead. "I love you too, little girl." he whispered. Those were not words that left his lips very often. Actions spoke more than words did to both, although he knew she needed to hear it from him from time to time. To reaffirm his actual feelings toward her and he had no problem with it.

When she awoke the next morning, she found herself alone in bed. She rubbed her eyes as she stumbled her way into the kitchen. There was Happy making breakfast for them. He simply pointed to the coffee pot earning a nod from her. He kept a close eye on her to see how she was doing as she fixed her coffee. She didn't appear to have any trouble walking nor did she appear to be dizzy like she had been the previous day but he'd have to ask her later. She moved to sit at the dining table and await breakfast. Half way through her coffee, he slid a plate of scrambled eggs and bacon over to her as he sat down. She thanked him before she began eating.

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