untie me

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"Dream? Dreeaaam? Are you in there?"
Dream eyes were fuzzy and he was staring at his glass of water sitting on the table. Once sapnap started waving his hand in front of Dream vision, he snaps out of his haze and zones back into reality. He lifts his head up and sees Sapnap looking up at him. "Yeah? what's up?" He said while looking at Sapnap. "Where did you go just now, like what were you thinking about?". Dream slouches back in his chair and looks down at his food, he shifts around his food with his fork while leaning his face on his arm. "Just things, you know?".
"Wow that's so incredibly vague dude" Sapnap chuckles. Dream looks back up from his food and sees Sapnap sitting across the table scrolling through his twitter feed and finishing his lunch. Dream wasn't particularly hungry, so he shoved his plate towards the middle of the table, grabbing his water then walking over to sit on the couch.
"You're not going to finish your food?"


"But...why, did i not season it well enough!? Dammit-I can go grab some-"

"Calm down Sapnap" Dream said with a chuckle "It was good i'm just not hungry right now is all". Dream puts his water on the coffee table and spreads himself across the entire couch. He grabs the remote and turns on the TV to try and distract himself from his own mind. Sapnap puts his phone down and cleans the table off, while dream zones out on the couch again.
"You need to be kissed so hard you forget your name". The quote from HeatWaves still lingers in Dreams mind but today the line just wouldn't stop playing in the back of his head. Dream hadn't told Sapnap anything about how the thoughts would linger in his head. Dream himself ignored them, he never wanted to work himself up over it. Dream never deeply thought about George in that way before anyways so he tried to stop making it a big deal on his head, he was just confused on why the thought wouldn't go away today. He zones back in and continues watching the show that was playing. He looks behind him because he heard Sapnap washing the dishes, he turns back around.
"Sorry, i promise i'll clean up next time"

"Huh? Oh no you're fine, wasn't very messy to clean up anyways, just continue watching tv" Sapnap said while dropping a fork. "Oops". They both let out a laugh. Dream finally calms down from laughing at Sapnap and he begins wondering why Sapnap said what he said. He said it with cation, it was calm and soft, it felt like there was pity. His heart began to race, Dream wondered if Sapnap knew something was off with Dream today. He didn't want anyone to know what things had been running through his head lately. He was embarrassed. He was embarrassed by his own self. Sapnap finally walked over to the couch and sat down, Dream moved his legs out of the way to make room.
"So...wanna go play a game or chill tonight" Sapnap said while picking up the tv remote.
"Uhhhh, well what game?". Patches comes around the corner and jumps into Sapnaps lap.
"We can play Fall Guys if you want"

"Yeah that actually sounds like fun, and it should get my-" Dream realizes what he was about to say out loud infront of Sapnap and stop talking. He didn't know if he should continue the sentence but lie or just stay quiet. If he stayed quiet then he might worry Sapnap, And if he lies then he'll probably make it noticeable.
"Get my wins up because i'm so much better at the game than you guys". Dream plays off his lie with laughing so hopefully Sapnap wouldn't see through him. "Woah, cocky alert-Okay anyways come on let's go upstairs". Sapnap gets off the couch and walks upstairs to his room to turn on his Pc, Dream stays on the couch and wipes his palms on his jeans, they were clammy, Sapnap definitely saw through his lie.
"DREAM COME ON I WANNA WIN ALREADY" he heard Sapnap yell. Dream walks upstairs and into his own room to turn on his Pc. Sapnap walks in and leans on the back of Dreams chair "Wanna ask George or Karl to join?". Dreams eyes widened immediately. Why would he ask if we should get George to join?. Dream tried to act call and nodded his head. "Yeah, i mean we can get whoever doesn't have to be them". Why would you say that you fucking idiot. Sapnap looks at Dream with a confused face and smirks. "Okay...?".
He walks out of the room and back into his own room again. They both join a vc in their discord server and get George and Quackity to join.
"Is karl coming?" Sapnap asked

"No he's busy multitasking" Quackity said with a smug tone. But none of them, not even Dream could contain themselves-they all laughed at Quackitys joke. "Ew gross dude, don't bring up those Fan Fics they're weird" Sapnap replied while still laughing, "Except HeatWaves, you got to admit that one was pretty hot"He kept going on.
"SAPNAP! STOP IT" George's first words while in the call. Dreams mind skipped a track when he heard his voice.
"What, you even told me in private you read it before bed every night to influence happy dreams"


"Calm down George or else i'm gonna have to kiss you so hard you forget your name" Quackity said while still laughing.

Dream knew they weren't making fun of him, since he hasn't told anyone about all his thoughts he's been having all day, yet he felt they were full on mocking him. Dream lets out a dry laugh and then changes the subject. The fan fiction never unsettled Dream which he didn't know if that made him happy or not. He enjoys the idea of it but a little too much, all he could feel was guilt.
"Sapnap i'm literally going to win and rub it in your stupid face" George blurted out.
"George you act as if you could actually beat me" Sapnap snapped back. Dream went pretty quiet at this moment. He was stuck in another haze.
All he could think about was his dream he had from last night. The real reason why he was losing focus all day and in a haze.

hi sexys, i really hope you enjoy chapter one, i know it was shorter but that's okay :)
1109 words

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