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While everyone else was arguing about who will win the most, and placing bets, Dream was still zoned out. He didn't want to reminisce on his dream but he couldn't get it out of his head. He fell deeper and deeper into the thought.


Dream woke up and he was sitting in the park, on a blanket all alone. The weather was nice, it was a warm day with a light breeze. The sun wasn't too hot on his skin. The park was empty as well, he didn't see anyone else there, it was just him. When Dream got up from his blanket he walked around and saw a Cedar tree across the park, the view looked better from over there so he walked over. He wasn't used to having such peaceful dreams so he took in all its glory. Once Dream arrived at the tree he saw a man sitting under it. The man looked oddly familiar. Dream kept staring the back of his head trying to make out the persons identity. The person turned his head around and from that moment all Dream heard was "Clay!?". George was sitting under the tree, he was wearing shorts and one of Dreams smile hoodies. Dream didn't know how to act, he was confused at first wondering why George was here, this place was so peaceful and George's presence only made it more calm.
"George, what are you doing here..?"

"Can i not just be sitting in the park on a nice day?"

"Well-i guess so-"
"Come here" George patted a spot of the ground right next to him, requesting for Dream to have a seat. Dream still in a confused haze but still walks up and places himself right next to George. They were quiet for a while, just enjoying the view of the rest of the park, but also enjoying each other's presence. Dream finally relaxed his shoulders and all his muscles and slouched against the tree. He took a few deep breaths on which hit his lungs so hard he felt relieved. George turns his direction and looks at Dream for a couple seconds.

"How does it feel?"
"...How does what feel?"

"The feeling of this, us-were finally together and it's not even for stream or twitter to see. It's just us here". Dreams stomach dropped. Why did George have to make this weird, we're just friends.
"It feels nice i guess"

"Is that all you have to say? Come on let yourself go, tell me how you actually feel. Please"

"It's nice's calm. There's no stress here, and i guess i wish could stay that way"

"What stress?" George questioned

"Hm? oh never mind, don't ruin this moment with your nosey question" Dream replied with a soft smile

"No seriously, what stress, are you talking about streaming? or talking about us?". Dream looked at George like he was crazy. Us?. Was George talking nonsense or was Dream missing a piece of information.
"Gogy what do you mean by us?"

"Do you not remember? we had a conversation about  Ready?". Dream looked at George like he was crazy again but then he heard someone say "Ready" again.

Dream realized Sapnap and George were asking Dream if he was ready to begin playing Fall guys. He had zoned out that whole time thinking about his dream.
"Uh yeah, sorry i zoned out"

"Again?" Sapnap said with concern

"You okay?" Quackity asked

"Yeah guys i'm fine, it's just been a slow day. George wasn't anywhere to be found in that conversation but Dream didn't dwell on that. They started playing their game and they all had a bunch of laughs. Sapnap started off the first few games winning, then George caught up. They all started arguing about the bets again but they all got side tracked and Dream ended up taking the lead for the rest of the games.
"Looks like i won, pay up bitches"

"Do you by any chance accept any other forms of payment dweam?" Sapnap said then blowing a kiss through his mic. Dream wheezed and told him to shut up
"You're forgetting sapnap, Dreams off limits" George said.
"Uh George you sounded a little too serious there for a second" Quackity said while awkwardly laughing. George didn't laugh. They all figured he was being serious and the call grew silent.
"Aw George stop being jealous, you can join us" Dream said to break the silence.
"No Dream" George said again with a monotone voice.
"George stop being a pussy" Quackity said in a voice changer. Even George started laughing along after Quackity said that, the tensions been relieved.
"listen pals i'm gonna go get food talk to you later" Quackity said as he immediately hung up.
"I thought i was your favorite snack" Sapnap said before realizing he had left the call.
"Dream what's your favorite snack" George asked

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