water hugs

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Dream slammed his hands on his desk after he had yelled at George.
"DREAM? ARE YOU OKAY!?" he heard Sapnap yell as he walked through the door.
"Yeah everything is fine, i just died in a game". Dream has never talked to Sapnap about any of this, he didn't think he had the guts to. Even if he did, Dream doesn't even fully understand his feelings for George. He likes the idea but then remembers he's his best friend.
Sapnap ran upstairs and saw Dream with his head down on his desk. He snuck into Dreams room and sat on his bed with Patches
"Clay...What's been going on?"
Dream lifts his head up and hides his face from Sapnap, trying not to make it obvious he was upset.
"Im just a little stressed is all". Dreams sniffles. Sapnap gets up from his bed and walks over to Dream and gives him a hug.
"Okay dude, if you need anything i'm here for you, i promise, i'm gonna go shower then go to sleep". Sapnap walks out of his room, closing the door behind him. Dream buried his face into his arms and started crying. He's keeping a secret from his two best friends. Dream stared at his computer screen and saw his reflection. He wiped his tears and got up from his chair and threw himself on the bed.
He laid his head on his pillow and fell asleep immediately.


"Don't you remember the conversation we had about us?" George said. Dream looked George in the eyes.
"No...no i don't"
"Well we basically talked about how things will work, we obviously flirt with each other but there's no real feelings between us".
"No real feelings?"

"Yeah we agreed it was all just jokes and content for chat"

"Oh...right yeah, no feelings....at all". Dream said as he hung his head down. He felt cold.

Dream woke up, He had the same dream again, and it ended the same way too. He was confused why he had the same dream twice in a row, and if he was going to continue having them. He didn't mind the dream, as long as the ending would change.
He still had his phone in his hand, he hadn't moved a single muscle in his sleep. He turned over and plugged his phone in, as he unlocked his phone he noticed George never texted him goodnight. His face turned pale. He didn't like when George doesn't text him good night, he forgets to occasionally, but most of the time it was when he was mad at Dream.
To Gogy😺
"Goodnight George, i'm sorry. Hopefully i can explain everything soon"
He sent the text but regretted it for the rest of the night. He was still lying on his bed and he tried sleeping for the rest of the night be he couldn't. He was scared to have the dream again. He didn't wanna be in that place, it seemed peaceful but in reality it was a nightmare. How could George say all of that with ease. Did he actually not have feelings for Dream? Dream let out a sigh. He flipped over and started petting Patches. He felt a tear roll down his face and he wiped them off with his shirt and put his face in his pillow. He woke up the next morning with Patched laying on the pillow next to him and his face still in his own pillow. He checked his phone
He realized he was probably awake before Sapnap. He went down stairs and started making breakfast, he was still in his shitty mood but he didn't want to make it everyones else's problem, plus he felt bad for treating Sapnap the way he has. He cooks eggs and bacon and waits for Sapnap to walk downstairs. Sapnap had smelt the food and gotton outta bed and walked downstairs with a big smile across his face
"Good Morning Dream, why are you making breakfast?"
"I just wanted to do something nice since i've left you to do all the work the last couple days"

"Thank you, but don't feel bad-you're having a hard few days, i don't mind doing a little extra work while you clear your mind". Dream smiles and thanks Sapnap. They both sit down at the table and Dreams heart started racing. He wanted to spill the information on him but felt bad. He also didn't want to embarrass himself.
"Hey Sap, you ever have dreams that feel like reality and screws with your perception?"

"Yeah sometimes, but the feelings goes away after a few hours. Is that what's been up with you? What was your dream about". Dream looked back down at his eggs and cleared his throat.
"A friend...in this dream..i liked them but they obviously stated they don't feel the same back. I've had the dream none stop and it just feels like reality at this point"

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