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Dream placed his phone back on the floor, he was still pissed at George. He goes on his computer and saw George texted him on discord. He clicked on the messages
"Dream, i need to talk to you"
"Please call me"
"We seriously need to talk :("
Dream rolled his eyes and changed his status to invisible. He didn't want to ghost George but he felt it was the right decision. Dream clicked around on his desktop for a while till he ran out of things to do. He got up from his chair and picked up his phone off the floor again
6 missed calls from Gogy😺
12 messages from Gogy😺
Georgie🥄 is typing
Snapchat from Georgie🥄
Why was George so indecisive, last night he was being dry and moody, but today he was being clingy.
Dream was curious with what George has to say but he walked to the bathroom instead. He turned on the shower and walked in, he made sure the water was cold so he didn't have a repeat of his last shower. He relaxed and enjoyed his peaceful shower. When he stepped out he left his hair wet and wrapped his towel around his waist. He picked up his phone and wanted to facetime Sapnap to see if he was with Karl yet, his hair dripped water in his eye and he clicked a name on his phone. The phone started ringing and he placed the phone back on the counter. He heard the call pick up and he heard a voice say "Dream!" He picked up his phone and aimed it at his face, where he then saw George's faces on the screen. fuuuuck.
He couldn't just hang up the phone now but he did switch the camera away from his face.
"Dream please listen to me, i'm sorry for spamming you but we need to talk right now".

"George" Dream said with a calm voice
"What do you want."

"I had a dream...it was like yours"
Dreams eyes widen, and he became interested.
"We were at this park, and you...you walked over to me and told me how you felt about me". Dream could see that George didn't want to talk about this, he was hiding his face. Dream took his phone and walked into his room, he propped his phone up and went to his closet to put pants on. He walked out with no shirt on, then grabbing his hoodie and throwing it over himself, when he looked at the phone, he saw George practically drooling.
"George, continue your story, i'm listening"
"Uhh, Right-Right, no hang on, why are you showing me your face?"

"I give up, i'm done hiding things, and i gotta start somewhere"

"Oh...well thank you" George had a cute smile plastered across his face
"Stop fan girling and tell me your story" He said with a strict voice, he wanted this conversation over so he can call Sapnap and continue ignoring George.

"Um well, you told me how you felt, you confessed your feelings for me, and i don't know how to feel". Dream paused. He looked up past his phone and stared at the wall.
But i had a dream where i confessed my feelings, how did he have the same dream? what the hell
"Why are you telling me this George?"
"Well i just thought you should know, because you told me about yours...". Dream filled with anger. He was done with this conversation.
"Whatever George, i have to call Sapnap now-Bye"
Dream hung up immediately and called Sapnap
"Hey are you there?"
"Yeah, Karl come here..."
"HEY DADDY DREAM" Karl screamed when Sapnap passed him the phone. They call cracked up.
"He-*weezing*-Hey Karl" "Okay i'm just checking you made it there safely, bye Sap". They hung up the call. He was still laughing till he saw George was back in a discord call by himself again. He ignore George and went downstairs to get more water. On his way downstairs he saw Patches run past him to his room to hide under his bed, moments later a strike of lighting hit the sky. Dream ditched his plans on getting water and went to confront his cat.
"It's okay girl, it's just some rain"
He sat on the ground next to his bed holding her close. He slid his phone out of his pocket to a phone call of George.
What does he want, oh my god
Dream answers

"Dream, please stop. I need to talk to you". He heard George sniffling. He assumed it was his allergies again. "George make it quick, there's a thunderstorm and Patches is scared, i'm trying to comfort her"

"Dream put yourself before others for once, we need to have this conversation. I hate seeing you like this now please pay attention". Dream stomach dropped, he sucked it up and put patches on his bed and sat next to her. "Okay...i'm listening-again"
"Your dream, in your dream did you have feelings for...for me?"
"Hard to say, they were just dreams George"
"I know that smart ass but answer my question"
"I guess so George, that's what it felt like"
"Do you feel the same way-in real life?"
Dream locked up, he was frozen, why would George bother asking that question. George already made it obvious he wanted to be just friends.
"George i don't know how i feel, the dream felt...real but it's hard to say how i actually feel" Dream said softly.

"Well in my dream, you confessed to me how you really felt, i didn't know what to say so i looked away. It felt real-it felt like you were really in front of me pouring your heart out"

"Okay...well then how do you feel about it?"

"Weird" George said in a whisper

"Weird? What the hell do you mean" Dream said with anger.

"Dream we flirt as friends all the time, and you say DNF is real but is it really?" George started sniffling a lot more frequently, Dream started getting worried but still left it alone.

"George what do you want, tell me, what do you think DNF should be?"

"Dream i-" He could start hearing pain in his voice and George sniffling more. "I like you-i'm sorry-i know we're only friends but-". Dream didn't hear the rest of what George had to say. He threw his head back and smiled. All his stresses was gone, he felt complete. He sat back up and tuned back in.

"Even tho my feelings are like that i don't think i can handle more than us being just friends, we live so far and i wouldn't be able to handle never ever being able to see you" George was actively crying mow

"George...". Dream clicked the call and changed it to facetime. When George answered he had his phone pointed to the ceiling so Dream couldn't see him crying. Dream had his face pointed to the camera.
"George look at me". George pointed the camera up to his face. He had a black hoodie on and tears down his face.

"George-i like you, a lot. Ive been stuck a lot lately because i had to hide everything form you. Everytime i saw your name on my phone-or we were on call, even with Karl and Sapnap on call, i wanted to tell you everything" Dream whispered. George started crying even more.
"George why are you crying"

"Because we can't be together, Dream look how far we are"

"I have an extra room...even if you just come to visit-we could be together". George moved his camera again and started crying even harder
"George..it's okay, please-please don't cry" Dream whispered.
"Dream i-i don't like you" He sniffled
"I l-love you" George put his hands over his mouth to muffle his cry.
Dreams eyes started watering. He wasn't sad, he just could bare to hear George in this state.
"George take a deep breath please" Dream said with a shaken up voice. He heard George trying to catch his breath but slowly steadied his breathing.
"George its okay, just calm yourself down for a moment"

Once George caught his breath, he spoke again.
"Dream if i'm going to be honest i regret everything i've said in the past 5 minutes."

Sheesh, sorry this chapter kinda sucks and i feel like i rushed this part when it should have been taken WAY slower but we'll move on.
1423 words

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