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"Goodnight, dweam". George's words played over and over again in his head as he fell asleep.


"Dream! Over here!" George shouted. Dream walked over to George, he was standing under the same tree-in the same park. Dream clinched his fist together
"Fuck man, not this again"
As Dream arrived at the tree, George was sitting there staring into the distance.
"Hey Dream" He said calmly
"Hi George" Dream said strictly
"So about what i said, i never meant it, i only said you i thought you wanted to hear-i don't like you, why would i?"
"Hm, Okay-Think what you want pissbaby"

Dream started to get annoyed, he had the same dream just different outcomes, this one was his least favorite so far. Dream walked away from George, as he walked 5 steps away he couldn't move anymore, it's like he was paralyzed, he tried turning around but George was gone. It was just Dream...alone...again.

"Don't, don't leave...please George come back"

"Dream" He heard over and over again

Dream woke up in a flash and widened his eyes.
"Dream wake up, are you okay?"

"What, huh-yeah-i'm, i'm fine i just-"

"S-Sorry to wake you up, you were having a bad dream i think, you were muffling but you sounded angry"

"Yeah n-no, it was nothing, why are you awake though?"

"I just can't sleep i guess" George said

"Wanna talk till you fall asleep?"
"No, you seem more tired than me, you should sleep"
"George its okay, so-what do you think Sapnap and Karl are doing right now"

George laughed "You really miss Sapnap huh?"

"He's been with me for 3 months now, feels weird not having him here"

"I'm glad Sapnap moved in, you guys needed each other"

"We're like brothers man, i can tell sapnap things i don't tell most people, like Wilbur and stuff, and he's so chill, most nights we just sit on the couch and do nothing and it's still fun. I don't know what i would do without it him at this point, you know?"


Dream didn't hear a response, he listened real close and he heard George breathing, this idiot fell asleep on me. Oh well-at least he's finally getting some rest
"Good night Gogy" Dream whispered lightly, then laying his head down on his own pillow again and falling asleep himself.

In the morning, Dream woke up and stretched his arms above his head, he yawned loudly since Sapnap wasn't around to hear him.
"Good Morning Clay" He heard Dream say in his morning voice
"Oh George, did i wake you up?"

"No no, i've been up for a few minutes, i just don't want to get out of bed". George let out a sigh. Dream wanted to continue their conversation where they left off but he didn't know how to, plus he didn't want to ruin both of their mornings.

"Oh man, sorry Dream i forgot-i have a doctors appointment in 40 mins, i got to go, bye". George hung up the phone in a hurry, before Dream could say anything. He laid his phone back onto his bed and and stared at the wall. His mind ran empty-he felt calm again. He's been released from his stress of hiding everything. Everything except what happened last night in his dream. He didn't worry about it-he didn't feel the need to tell George about this one.

You need to be kissed so hard you forge-

Dream snapped out of his day dreaming immediately, he didn't want to ruin his morning with those thoughts again.
Why can't i just be happy. George told me everything and i'm still not satisfied

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