Goodnight, Dream

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Dream paused, he couldn't control himself and started to cry.
"Georgie, what do you mean?"

"I mean somethings are better left unsaid-i put a burden on you"
"Nonsense, even though you feel that way i promise you-you've made my days a lot better now that you've said that"

"Clay! we can't be together!"

Dream looked up again. Did George actually mean it-what he said.
Why would you tell me your feelings then completely shut them down you idiot
"George explain to me why you told me everything then continued to say we should be just friends? Tell me how that's fair" Dream said with his shaky voice, he started crying even harder after he had finished talking.
Now he was the only one crying, George has stopped-or it sounded like he did

" just won't work out, and even if i did come to visit, it would be too painful to start then have to stop when i go back home."

"I've told you-i have an extra room, me and Sapnap just throw stuff in there, we'll clean it out!" Dream tried desperately to convince George to stay.

"Dream don't push it, i think this is a good step, just telling each other how we feel, besides i don't completely regret telling you this because i do love you, but more so in a friend ship way". Even though it wasn't completely what Dream wanted to hear-he was still pleased with it. Dream wiped his tears from his face, he hasn't stopped crying but he needed to clean himself up.

"George" Dream said while taking a deep breath
"You're right. we're just friends-nothing more i guess"

"You idiot, yes we're just friends but we obviously have tension"

"No shit, but like you said, what are we going to do about it? Nothing.". Dream stopped crying, he was just angry at this point. Since he was angry he was going to start saying things he didn't mean, just like what he just said, he knew it was going to upset George again. He was right, he heard George whimpering again.
"George i'm sorry, we can talk about this later tonight-when we're both calmed down"

"Okay, Call me later tonight, i probably won't be sleeping anyways"
"I'll talk to you later Georgie"
Dream hangs up, he goes back to comforting Patches, it hasn't thundered again but it was raining pretty heavy.

"He's just a big baby isn't he?" He spoke to patches while petting her gently. Dream grabbed his remote and started playing music from his tv. He made sure not to play it too loud-he didn't want to add anymore stress to Patches. He sat there on his bed, in his dark room with his cat by his side, while listening to music.

He closed his eyes, he felt like he could rest easier now. The rain, the dark room, the conversation with George-he had felt lighter. He kept his eyes closed and let this moment sink in. When he opened his eyes he glanced at the clock
Oh shit, did i fall alseep? but i didn't have the dream, is that a good or bad thing?
Once he realized what time it was, he got up from his bed gently, making sure not to alarm Patches. He walked to his desk and called George on Discord.
"George are you better now?"
"Yeah, i-i took a nap, i just woke up actually-i'm still in bed"

"Oh, i just woke up from a nap too-it started raining and it helped me fall asleep easy for the first time in days"

George let out a laugh, "Awwe does baby dweam need rain to help him fall asleep" George said in a squeaky voice. Dream just laughed, the mood change from the last call to this one was amazing.

"Yeah yeah, so what if i need some rain to help me sleep easier, you can't be talking Mr. I need a glass of milk before bed". They both laughed, Dreams heart felt better hearing George laughing and not sobbing his eyes out. When they were done laughing they started talking again, slowing growing to the topic neither of them wanted.
"George you can always come and visit, i know it would hurt but it's better than not trying"

"I know, half of me is dying to come over but there's another half of me telling me to keep my distance"
"George, you never know till you try, and i'm hesitant too, i know it's scary and i know it probably will hurt when you leave but it's the memories we'll make that count"
"I know you're right. Maybe we can talk about this more often and hopefully i come around"

"I thinks that's a great idea, but sorry to cut you off, Patches is awake and i have to feed her, bye Georgie"
"Bye" George didn't sound like he meant it, but Dream just thought he was upset again, he clicked off the call and followed her down the stairs to her bowl. He got a can on food for her and opened it and poured it in. While he was down there he finally got his long awaited glass of water. Sapnap was right, he was horrible at keeping himself hydrated.
He took his time and drank his water, he even refilled it when he was done, he waited for Patches to finish her food as well so she wasn't left alone downstairs alone.
Once she lifted her head and started licking her paws in a response that she was full, he cleaned her dish out and carried her back to his bed. They both sat on his bed for a few moments before he looked up and saw George was still in the discord call. Dream scuffed Why does he always do this, he's worrying me
Dream sat down at his desk and joined the call again
"You're back" He said in a happy tone
Dream was happy George wasnt crying again but why did he stay?
"What are you up to?" Dream asked
"Hmm. Karl and Sapnap are about to go live, probably watch the stream"

"Oh yeah, i forgot about that"
"Wanna watch it together?" Dream added


Dream and George sat and watched their live for the rest of the night, enjoying each other's company.
They laughed about how close Sapnap and Karl were after just meeting each other. Dream wondered if him and George would be like that, probably not-just a thought.

Once the live was over they continued talking to one another.
"So what are you doing tomorrow?" asked George
"...Probably make a turkey sandwich and play cs:go all day long, with Sapnap gone i have a lot of free time"

"If we wanna play cs:go together, i can join" He heard the excitement in George's voice and he chuckled under his breath.

"Of course you can join Georgie, just call me when you wanna play" "I'm getting pretty tired, i'm gonna go lay on bed for awhile" Dream said while yawing and stretching his arms into the air.

"Wai-no." George said quickly

"What do you mean "No", is there something else you wanted to say?"

" just" George paused mid sentence

"Yes?" Dream whispered

"I just, i don't like when you leave...that's why i stay in our discord calls, and why i always call you on discord" Dream gasped, he wasn't expecting this from George.
"When you leave the call, i stay in hoping you come back, for the past few days...ever since you told me about your dream-i haven't wanted to leave your side, even if that means staying here". Dream stared blankly at his screen, he was too tired for this. "George, why do you stay?"

"I don't know, i feel empty when we hang up, i feel drained. I've also been worried about you and i havnt been able to sleep". Dream chuckled
"George there's no reason to be worried about me"
"Yeah, well i was-and im sure Sapnap was too, you weren't acting yourself". Dream was shocked-so it was obvious he was having a bad few days.
"I'm sorry George i didn't mean to alarm you guys, but i'm here now"
"I have an idea, i know you're tired, but we can fall asleep on call together" ( haha @ wilbur ) George whispered. Dream grinned
"Sure think Georgie, let me join on my phone so i can go lay down. Dream hung up from his computer and joined on his phone.
"I'm back"
"Yay" George whispered again. He sounded tired, hopefully they could both get a full nights sleep. They both had each other, so much yet so little.
"Good night George" Dream whispered
"Good night dweam" George whispered back.

Goodnight luvs, i finished this one pretty quick as well i'm sorry, i will put a lot of effort into the next one. 1504 words

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