wither effect

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Dream fell back asleep. He was exhausted for no reason, he's done nothing but stress for the last 4 days.

He woke up on his own, no noises, no calls. He felt upset. Nothing or no one was around to comfort him, not even Patches, she was in Sapnaps room sleeping herself. He woke up with a gross feeling, the feeling where he had a dream but couldn't remember it, just the feeling lingered.

He turned over an grabbed his phone but it was dead again, he plugged it in and left it on his bed side
Dream rolled his eyes when he saw the time.
He's going to be all alone again today. Sapnap comes back in a day and George is going to stream with Quackity for 3 hours later tonight.

Dream smacked his lips together, they were dry. He finally got up and drank a few sips from the bathroom sink water, definitely not enough to hydrate him, but enough to keep him going.

"Patches, come here, lunch time" Dream said with a scratchy throat. He opens a can of cat food and places the food in her bowl, he wanted to go sit on the couch and change up his surroundings instead of staying in his room but he just looks at the couch and turns back to the stairs and back to his bed. Dream watches tv in his bed till looses track of time. He didn't look at his phone a single time, or the clock, he realized he was more than likely missing Quackity and George's stream but it didn't bother him. Nothing seemed to bother him-he was numb. He was in the middle of an episode when he heard his phone rapidly buzzing, he looked over
Incoming FaceTime from Gogy😺
Dream slowly picks up his phone and answers
"Did you watch the stream?"
"No i lost track of time and got distracted, i'm sorry" Dream said while yawning
"Dream are you okay...?"
"I'm tired, that's about it"
"Your voice sounds scratchy, go get some water" George whispered

"No, i don't feel like moving"
George let out a long sigh
"Okay...well i've been thinking about it, i can come visit in a month". Dream choked on his own spit.
"Sorry if that came out of no where but i think it'll be better if we see each other, we don't have to post about it-i can be just between us, and Sapnap of course"

"George are you being serious right now? All games aside-are you serious?"
Dream was practically glowing-he was excited

"Y-Yeah i, i can get a ticket for next month, i looked it up"
"GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE" Dream screamed, he couldn't control himself. George laughed "Okay okay, call down"
"I'm only coming if you go downstairs and get water, i want to see you do it"
"GEEOOOORGGEEE, you're killing me, how about i get water later-i really don't feel the best right now"
"Just think, You and me, finally meeting...that feels unreal if you think about it, and i can see Sapnap too, i'm really excited" George went on and on for 5 minutes before realizing Dream had fallen asleep.
"He sure does sleep a lot lately..." George whispered to himself
"Goodnight...Clay" George said while laying down


The wind started blowing, a change in weather was different, he hadn't felt it before in his dream. "Dream-stay there! i'm coming over!". Dreams face turned red.
Can i not escape this?
George sat down next to Dream again and rested his head on Dreams shoulder
I wonder how this one will go down hill
Dream looked at George, he looked peaceful, his arm wrapped around Dreams arm and his head resting on his shoulder.
Dreams heart beat steadied out and he took a deep breath

"George, how do you feel...right now"

"Happy, like really happy" He said as he sighed with a smile. The sun was setting at the park, had Dream stayed in this dream long enough for the sun to start setting? Dream looked back down at George and he still sitting there smiling. Even though George was already next to him, Dream wanted to be closer to George. It was just a dream-what's the worst that could happen. He looked back at George and George lifted his head and looked back at Dream. He was curious and what would happen next, Dream leaned in for a kiss till the wind started blowing and and George had disappeared with it. Dream just sat there staring at the spot where George was sitting
The sun was practically down by now, it was dark and cold, but he still couldn't wake up. He just sat there in the dark park alone.

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