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"You-What?" Dream said loudly
"Yea...yeah, i kissed you"
"Why, do you actually feel that way?" Dream said slowly.
"I-i don't want to answer that question Dream" He knew George was embarrassed
"Well if you're not going to answer my question then i'm going to act like you never said that and move on...the room, me and Sapnap can-" Dream was cut off by George
"I li-i...liked it"

Dream face turned red, did George really just say that? Why?
"You did...?"
"Yeah, it felt-right" George said quietly hoping no one else's would hear him.
"Well is it something you would only want to keep in your dreams?"
"I..i don't know, possibly"

Dream took that as a no and moved on,
"Me and Sapnap are going to clean out the room and you'll stay in that room, it will be your room". Dream was trying to hint that it would literally be his, if he agreed to moving in.
"I get my own room? you guys don't have to-i can sleep on the couch"
"Nonsense Georgie, it's your room, and will stay your room"
"What do you mean by stay my room?"
"I'm just saying it'll be your room is all". Dream decided not to ask George if he wanted to move in just yet.

"Oh, well i really appreciate it, thank you guys" George said with pep in his tone
"Anything for you George"
The call ran silent

"Well George i hate to cut you short but i need some sleep"
"Haven't you been sleeping a lot lately?"
"Yeah...but i haven't felt well rested yet"
"Oh-okay well goodnight Dream"
"Goodnight George"

Dream wasn't actually tired, he just wanted to go to sleep to see if he would have a good dream tonight, it's the only way he'll get to be close to George.


Dream found himself sitting on the blanket again, he looked over his shoulder and there was no sound of George. He wasn't even under the tree. Dream started to get concerned and he got up and called out for George
"George?" Dream yelled across the park
"Clay!?" He heard George's voice but didn't see him, until he heard foot steps running toward him. he Turned around and George was running full speed to him, Dream opened his arms and waited for him to arrive. As George approached Dream he didn't run into his arms, instead he slowed down a little and wrapped his arms around Dreams neck. Dream started blushing-his face red from embarrassment.
"Hello Georgie"
"Hi" George said with a soft voice and a smile.
Dream put his hands around George's waist. They stared into each other's eye and waited for the other to make the move. Dream was impatient and leaned in first, he didn't see George pull away so he continued. Infact he didn't see George move at all, he was lifeless. Dream stopped right before their lips met.
"You okay?" Dream said with a whisper
He heard no response

Dream woke up, be put his hands on his chest, his heart was aching. He sat up and looked at the time.
He flung his head back onto his pillow, he was counting down the days till May 12th.
Just a few more weeks.

Dream spent the next week and half laying in his bed and on his computer talking to George or playing games. Sapnap tried getting him to stay healthy but Dream wouldn't budge

(Time skip)

May 2nd
Sapnap busted into Dream room and sat on his bed
"Look dude, George will be here in about a week, stop moping and get right, we're going to go out to eat later then go on a walk, it's a start"
"A start?" Dream said in a slow voice
"Yes, a start-you need to get back to your normal self, you're extremely dehydrated and not to mention depressed, i just want to help you, please let me help you" Sapnap said while looking down at the floor

"Okay. Let me go take a shower"
"Take it easy, sit up first and i'll bring you some water". Dream sat up slowly and took the glass of water from Sapnaps hands, he chugged it all in no time, Sapnap just looked at him with a frown.
"You're dehydrated man, why would you do this to yourself"
"I didn't try to, i'm sorry" Dream said with his head down.
"Okay get up slowly and take a shower, i'll be waiting". Dream got up from his bed, he walked to the shower and got in. He thought about all his crazy dreams he's had about his best friend for the past month. He turned on some music and cleared his mind for the first time in weeks. He sang his favorite song and started smiling, he felt better already. Once his shower was over he walked to his room and got dressed.

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