put to rest

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George woke up before Dream this time. George looked up a Dream-he was drooling a little bit. George smiled, it might have been gross but he was glad to see Dream was finally getting rest after the last few weeks. George tried loosening from Dreams grip without waking him up-he needed to find his phone. As he moves Dream tightened his grip while he was still asleep. George chuckled and woke up Dream on accident.
"Hmmm Good morning Georgie" Dream said in a soft voice as he rubbed George's head.

"Good morning Dream" George said with a smile.
"What time is it?"
"Ugh, i need to take a shower" Dream said as he removed himself from George side.
Dream walked out of the room and into the bathroom. George stayed in bed and scrolled around on his phone, when Sapnap came in.
"So-has Dream asked you yet?"
"Asked me what?"
"About our extra room" Sapnap said trying to imply

"...Oh-you mean Dream asking me to move in?"
Sapnap nodded trying to make sure Dream doesn't hear them.
"Yeah...i just" George sighed.
"Well...?" Sapnap said while tilting his head

"I really want to...but i'm scared of what might happen, what if me and Dream don't work out and i'm stuck here...you know?" George said as he looked back down at his phone.

"George...you guys have been at this for years-i think it'll work out, you guys just seem happier and you've only been here for two days"

"Yeah i guess you're right...i still want to think it over"
"Of course, take your time".

Dream walked out of the bathroom, passing Sapnap in the hall. He walked to his closet and got dressed.
"Hey-Dream, what would happen if i did move in?" George said.

"What! what-what do you mean"

"Like with us...?"

"Explain more"

"Would we...be a c-couple? or just stay like this" George said with his face turning pink.

"What do you want to happen?" Dream said as he dried his hair
"I would really like to be...more...but i'm-scared"
Dream walked over to George and sat down next to him.

"Why would you be scared?" Dream said as he looked George in the eyes.
"What if we just don't, you know-click after awhile"
"Why would you think that would happen?"
"I don't...it's just the only thing holding me back from saying yes"

Dream hugged George. "I would never do anything, and i mean anything to hurt you". Dreams heart started to weep, he felt bad George even bad that as a worry.

"I know...i really appreciate you Clay".

"So...what do you say?"
"...mmm i would have to say"
The anticipation started to kill Dream, George was holding back on his answer to piss of Dream



Dreams eyes lit up, George was going to move in with them. Hell never have to go another night without him. No more calls. No more awaited visits. no more dreams.

Dream grabbed George's hand and pulled him downstairs to the backyard.
"Ive been saving this, i wanted to do it when i was finally stable-or happy again, and i think now is the best moment". George looked at Dream with confusion and Dream rustled through a bin. Dream pulled out a shovel and a bag.
"After the first few dreams i had, i bought...Cedar tree seeds-and i want to plant one. Here. With you."

George looked up from the bag and back at Dream and started getting tears in his eyes.
"Dream...you-the seeds-this moment"
"George don't cry"
"I'm not going to, but this is really sweet"
"The tree has been taunting me for months and it's time to put it to rest, so will you join me, George?"
George nodded his head and followed Dream to an empty spot in their backyard.

Dream started digging a hole in the ground, once it was dug, he told George to place the seed in.
"There" George said. Dream started covering up the seed and finished planting it. He looked up and saw George starting to cry, happy tears of course.
"Hey hey, what's wrong?"
"It's finally here, this is happening, us-were here"
Dream didn't know what to say and all that came out of his mouth was
"Hey at least cry over the seed and water it"
George let out a chuckle as he stood up. He walked over to Dream and hugged him. Dream held George.

The deja vu poured into Dream. He'd been here before and it didn't end well. He wanted to pull away from George but he couldn't. He did pull a little bit away from George and look at him. Dream kissed George and pulled back and told him
"Everything's better now"

Dream felt lifted. He knew he wasn't in his dream but he still had a lingering feeling in the back of his head, because everything was going too smoothly.

"I love you Dream" George whispered as he wiped his tears.
"I love you too Georgie"

George went to the bathroom and washed his face.
Dream walked into the kitchen and told Sapnap about George's answer.
"So that's it? George is moving in?" Sapnap said with a bright smile.
"He is...he really is!"
Sapnap looked at Dream with his smile pasted across his face. He felt so much better for Dream, he didn't feel worried about him anymore.
"Now you'll have two people nagging at you to drink water" Sapnap chuckled.

Dream went back upstairs and saw George sitting in his room.
"So when do you want to move in?"
"As soon as possible, i don't want to take long"
"Well...you could always leave tomorrow, pack and then come back as soon as possible"

"I don't want to go back at all...that was my biggest fear" George said as he stared at the wall.
"I'm attached to you" He said again as he fidgeted his thumbs.
"Send Phil to get your things, don't leave my side" Dream said.
George laughed
"I will i will, i'm not going to leaving you"

Dream laid down and shut his eyes, he still couldn't believe this was reality. He opened his eyes at the same moment George plopped himself next to Dream. They both smiled. This was where the wanted to be all along. With each other, together.

I hope this is a proper ending :) i really hoped you guys enjoyed the story. If you have an ideas for a new fan fic feel free to leave them here, and i can start working on those as well. I luv you <3

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