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“What’s wrong with you?!” Celestial shouted through my necklace.

            I caught my breath, watching miserably as the Black Magician fought with the horned girl. I touched my necklace and said, “What do you mean? What’s going on?”

            “Why’d you run away? Nothing bad was even happening! The green haired girl jumped in before anyone was seriously injured! Dio is fine… So why’d you run away like that?”

            I nearly dropped dead. I began to tremble. “What’re you talking about…?” I asked in disbelief. “That’s not what I saw… Dio was bleeding… and he transformed…”

            There was blood through Dio’s shirt, and a wound where the blood was. He was palming his eyes, which weren’t human eyes at all. Blue light flashed, and he transformed. He roared, nostrils flaring at everyone. His eyes were just the same. Although he transformed, there was still blood. He became a dragon, which was his true form.

            “…Ezekiel, are you okay?”

            I shook with every breath I took. “I don’t get it… If it were all an illusion, wouldn’t I have felt the magic? So why? It all seemed so realistic, too…”

            “Professor Orphell saw you run, but he didn’t chase you. I was watching from afar, where no one could see me. What’s going on, Ezekiel? I saw you run to where the Black Magician is. I’m going to watch the students from afar still, and I’ll tell you when something bad happens. But how in the world did you see that illusion?”

            I swallowed hard, feeling sick. My body was rigid, trembling. “It’s suspicious. I don’t feel any presence right now, either. It can’t be someone from Helios… nor the Tower’s Magicians outside of the barrier. Whatever the matter, I’m sure we’ll find the suspicious person soon. The only thing I wonder is, who are they and why are they here? It seems like they’re after me.”

            “Have you forgotten, Ezekiel? You hold the way to open the Door. But now’s not the time to speak. Where are you again?”

            “…where…Rood is…” My voice trailed off.

            “Shit, never mind.” There was urgency in her voice. “Dio’s been stabbed now. He wasn’t, but after you left…” She swallowed hard. “He’s bleeding. He’s yelling at Orphell to get everyone out of there before it’s too late. Hey, Ezekiel. Don’t come back.”

            I opened my mouth to say something. “Is he going to die?”

            There was shuffling. “No, I don’t think so. Those stupid Hereis are using their magic against Dio. It’s sickening. I’d jump in but now’s not the time. Professor something is crazy, I swear. Oh, Lidusis is protecting Dio again. With a sword. And the professor isn’t liking it one bit.”

            There was a pause.

            “Crap, Dio’s transforming!”

            My eyes wandered over to where the Black Magician was. The strange man had been trapped, covered with magic. The horned girl was on top of the fish, observing the strange magic circle. Shicmuon was watching closely. Then, to my realization – the Black Magician was out of sight.

            “He’s a little dragon now. Just like the other time. Oh, I see the Black Magician coming in! Get back over here, Ezekiel. I don’t know what’s happening to you, but you’re slow. And you’re not thinking straight. Stay cool and let’s take care of business as usual. It’s our mission.”

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