Healing, Pain

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Healing, Pain

The demon tried to grab at me.

            Hastily, I tried to kick it away. It dodged, much to my fail. If I didn’t hurry…

            “Ezekiel, you better get moving.”

            I clenched my teeth as I grabbed a twig next to me. With as much strength I could muster, I threw it at the demon. It was flung far into Helios. I stood up, feeling my body become stiff. I knew little about the situation. Rood Chrishi seemed to know more. I had to find him.

            “Where’s Rood Chrishi?” I asked Celestial through my necklace.

            “He’s not with the students. And he’s not awakened anymore, that’s for sure. He’s somewhere within Helios. No, wait. He’s out again. With Professor Lispen. He’s in his kid form… Hey, I’m not kidding. You need to hurry it up.”

            “I know. Teleport me.”

            Celestial opened up a dimension door. I stepped back. The dimension door dissipated and when it flashed open, I saw that I was near where Dio was. And he was with Rood and Professor Lispen. Between Lispen and Dio, there was a tension… One that was difficult to break.

            “Interfere if you do, my lady.”

            “Who’s your lady…?”

            “Ah, of course, I should’ve known that you know nothing. But that matters not.”

             I watched as Professor Orphell and other magicians from the Tower surround Dio. Professor Orphell was casting a spell - a spell that wasn’t going to be easy to nullify. Dio was in danger, as far as I saw it. I had to do something.

            But what?

            “Have you decided upon your decision?”

            “Perhaps,” I muttered, “and perhaps not.”

            “Tsk. This type of delay will only drag you down in the future.”

            “Believe me,” I said, “I know.” What can I do?

            I then noticed that Rood was out of my sight. He’d disappeared… Again. Something was off and unfortunately, I couldn’t place my finger on it. I had to find Rood, and speak to him in a safe place. Thus, the drama that was going on needed to end.

            “Will you awaken?”

            “If that’s what needs to be done, then sure. Yeah.”

            The voice hummed. “Is that so? Heh, you’re odd.”

            “So are you.” I stood up. The spell was beginning to take an official effect. Magical “wires” were surrounding Dio. I noticed that the horned girl and the strange man were standing on top of the pink fish. They were watching, not saying a word. I wondered why.

            Suddenly, parts of Helios crashed, breaking down. Boulders that once belonged to the building were falling down. They were about to fall and hit the students. To my shock, Professor Orphell didn’t do anything. Rather, it didn’t seem like he could.

            Dio’s wings then spread, shielding the students from danger. My heart stopped when I saw blood trickling from his body.

            “Well, aren’t you late? He’s hurt.”

            I clenched my teeth. “I can clearly see that.” I decided to ask the voice for advice. It didn’t seem to be an enemy. But then again, I wasn’t sure if it was my ally. “What should I do?” I asked it, glancing around nervously.

            Then, a screaming voice boomed throughout Helios.

            “Why are you standing around, Orphell?!” It was one of the Tower’s Magician, to my guessing. Or perhaps it was the Master. He seemed to have more control than Orphell did. He didn’t seem too friendly. He shouted, “Hurry up and continue! We cannot miss this chance! Did you hear what she said? She said she’d open a door! Not just any door as well! It’s the power of their king, the Demon King! No matter what happens, capture them!”

            I felt anger sprout in my body. “He’s awfully annoying,” I stated. My eyes glowed.

            “Well, that’s not surprising. He seems like an irrational man. Are you taking action now? You’ve wasted enough time as it is.”

            “Yes,” I said, scowling. I took in a deep breath. Remember, protect the students of Helios. No matter what happens, Dio is still a student. And maybe, a friend.

            “[Eliana], [Awaken].” My magic swirled around me. I awakened, transforming. “The Tower’s Magicians are oblivious,” I said, “and dumb. And it completely pisses me off.”

            There was no reply. I shrugged, too focused on what was currently happening.

            I squinted my eyes. A figure wearing a robe walked towards Dio. Dio lowered his head, and the figure placed his or her hands on Dio’s face. It was like they were connecting. Or speaking to each other – I couldn’t tell.

            “That boy… Is not an ordinary boy. You’re not either, little girl.”

            I pressed my lips together. “It’s him, isn’t it?” Rood Chrishi.

            “Perhaps,” the voice replied, using my words, “and perhaps not.” Silence, then, “Are you going to heal him?”

            “Heal him? I’ve not healed anyone before…”

            “Doesn’t mean you can’t. You can heal, but you don’t, aren’t I right? When you heal… you feel twice the pain that they’re having.”


            “Well, are you, or not?”

            I sighed. “Of course,” I muttered. “My duty is to ensure their safety… Which I’m not doing so well on.” I checked myself, feeling relieved that I still had my robe on. “I’m going now,” I said, not expecting an answer.

            I teleported next to the robed figure – Rood Chrishi. “We should talk,” I told him, “later.”

            “What?” He was confused, but I paid no mind.

            I held my hands against Dio’s face like Rood. I pressed my forehead against his blue skin. I then concentrated on the wounds. I felt my magic surge from my body and enter Dio’s. I knew that the wounds were closing, healing. That was what I intended.

            Pain engulfed my body. My hands fell and I clutched my side. Rood noticed.

            “You feel pain, don’t you?” he asked me, with seriousness.

            I didn’t answer. My head felt dizzy. I could tolerate pain, but…

            “You’re going to remember. And they’re going to chase. So, be prepared, little girl.”

            “Who are you?” one of the Tower’s Magicians asked in a shout.

            I pressed my hand against my forehead. I wouldn’t answer them. My eyes wandered up and locked with Professor Orphell’s. He couldn’t properly see my face, but he saw my eyes. And I knew that he recognized my identity.

            “I hope,” I said to Rood Chrishi with struggle, “that you explain things to me…”

            My body collapsed and my eyes closed. Everything went from fuzzy to fading black.

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