Chapter 10: Accident

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Kokichi's mind was still a little confused from the sudden hug the night before. There was no way Shuichi would hug him, right? Only if the detective just wanted affection from the first person he saw which would make more sense, right? After all, his friend just got executed for killing two innocent people. Of course Shuichi would be sad or depressed even, anyone would.

The young leader laid on the bed, eyes closed anxiety taking over him. He's awake, but he didn't want to see what was happening around. Shuichi on the other hand, was focusing on his investigation on finding the mastermind. The detective's plan was to avoid talking about Maki especially when Kaito is around. Obviously, he didn't forget his previous actions that night. He jumped a little off his chair as Kokichi got off his bed making a weird creaking sound. The room went silent, Kokichi's brain still on confused mode and Shuichi' on thinking of a conversation mode.

- Good morning...- the shorter male said trying his best to fake how nervous he really felt

The air felt tenser than usual, making Kokichi's worries multiply every second that passed. After what seemed to be an eternity, Shuichi finally spoke breaking the awkward silent.

- About what happened last night, umm....

- I'm sorry!- Kokichi cut him off slightly bowing his head.

- What are you apologizing for? I was the one that started crying like a cry baby not you.- The dark haired male said putting his right hand on the smaller's  shoulder.

-C'mon we need to go eat breakfast, we're running kind of late... 

They both walked silently towards the dining area where the others were most likely already eating. Shuichi walked in first as Kokichi hesitated a little, but walked in either way. He sat next to the detective as he didn't want to sit with Kaito nor Tenko since they still looked a little pale. Grabbing his so loved grape panta and drinking almost the full bottle in less than a second before glancing at the food in front of him. Truth be told, Kokichi didn't feel hungry, but he still ate it not wanting others to be worried. Not like they would anyway. 

As Shuichi was almost finishing his food, the monitor turned on and Monokuma appeared on the screen with a glass of champagne in his hands.

-Good morning fellow students! - The bear greeted waving his right paw-  Today seems like the perfect day to relax don't ya think? So enjoy your day off as you're free to do as you please for these 24 hours. 

Before any of the ultimates could say anything back to the robot, the screen turned black immediately after   Monokuma said his last word. Kokichi was glad he didn't have to do any kind of work for the whole day as he felt already really tired from the lack of sleep. The leader didn't even know why he got out of bed in the first place. Oh right, he needed to apologize. Why? He just felt like apologizing, simple as that. A small smile formed on his lips thinking of his warm comfy bed. 

Shuichi thought of going to the library to read a few books, but he suddenly wasn't so sure about the idea any more as it brought him old memories.  Maki really died.  Shuichi was sure of that when he didn't see her when he walked in the dining area. Kaito didn't look very well as if the astronaut  didn't sleep at all.  On what to do, well his final decision was to just stay all day in his room investigating or studying.  He didn't really care if Kokichi was there or not and he would rather enjoy a little company. Shuichi finished his breakfast quickly hearing a few conversations that were going around. Standing up and waiting for Kokichi a little farther away. 

-What do you plan on doing?- He asked as Kokichi stopped in front of him. 

-Nothing really.- The leader answered looking elsewhere.

Shuichi hummed as they started walking back to their dorm room with the same awkward air around them. It didn't help that Shuichi had developed feelings towards the short leader and made talking a little more difficult. But he didn't say anything, because he lacked something very important: confidence. 

They entered rather big room and went each to their corners, Kokichi laying staring at  the ceiling with tired looking eyes. The voices in his head kept bothering him and he was trying his best not to start crying out of nowhere.  He just feels bad for you. He doesn't care at all.  Those were the phrases that hurt the most whenever Kokichi heard them. Without realizing it, a single tear rolled down his right cheek he brought his hand to his face and quickly dried it hoping Shuichi didn't notice it.

Much to his misfortune, the detective saw it as he was secretly peeking and watching the boy. 


A few hours passed by and Shuichi was starting to get quite bored from his books he read at least three times each since the beginning  of the game.  He turned around to see the sleeping form of the young leader holding some kind of picture, but the detective couldn't see what or who was in the picture as it was being covered by thin arms.  Shuichi blushed a little at the sight and walked over to Kokichi's bed out of some weird instinct. The detective noticed a few dried tears close to the shorter male's eyes and he felt a little sad himself for not noticing it even if he was in the same room for the past hours.                   

- I love you. - He whispered by accident.

Shuichi quickly covered his mouth with his hands. And it seemed as if luck wasn't on his side either, since after less than a second Kokichi's eyes opened wide his face bright red. He sat up and stared at the detective who was just as embarrassed sitting on the floor.

-D-do you mean it?

Shuichi hummed since he wasn't able to find the right words.

-Do you like me back?

The taller male's voice was like a whisper but Kokichi could hear it as clear as the blue sky. The leader felt very insecure and had no idea on how to answer the boy in front of him. The purple haired did indeed have some kind of feelings towards Shuichi, but what if he died and made him sad? What if the detective died and he would be all alone again? Those kind of worries creeped through his mind making him even more anxious than that morning and the night before.

- It's ok if you don't! Really. I can give you some time to think about it if you want. Just say something...

Shuichi was getting really nervous at that moment since he wasn't getting any words or gestures out of the person he just confessed to. Honestly he thought confessing using the way he did was the stupidest thing he ever did.

-umm, well I like you too I guess...


Yay they finally said something to each other! This might be just more fun than I predicted! The short girl thought as she spun her chair happily. Her face had a wide big smile making her look like a literal psychopath. Not like she wasn't one.

I finally updated something! Thank you for reading it!

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