Chapter 1: Liar in the bathroom

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italics : thinking

bold: a/n

"" : whispering

- : dialogue

So brutal. She had hope, useless hope. He was not sure whether to cry, laugh or hide his feelings, he looked at Kaede's dead body. Kokichi wanted to kill Monokuma for killing her like that, but he knew he's just following the program of this killing game. The liar looked over to the other Ultimates, Miu looked at him disgusted, Kirumi was facing the ground fighting tears that the boy knew that were threating her, Kaito and Maki were petrified but he knew that they realized their mistake. Next to him was Shumai, he was crying hard, eyes filled with despair and he was sweating during the execution, the short boy faked a smile and started laughing, every single one of them stared daggers at him not daring to say a word. 

- Such a pitiful sight, that piano freak was going to die either way. - He said trying to catch my breath

- Students you are free to leave. Bear well! - The black and white bear said walking away

They all watched the bear disappear into the shadows, Tenko was the first one to leave followed by Himiko the Ultimate magician. Kaito and went towards the exit and Kirumi aka mom followed her duties as Ultimate Maid. Miu stood in front of him staring, her eyes filled with rage and disbelief.

-  You should have died in her place you stupid liar! - She yelled, earning a few stares

- ohh! oh ma goddd! come back when you have something original to call me you sl*t~.  - she gonna be mad


- If I were you, I would shut my mouth. You don't want to be the next one dyeing now do you?~ You filthy c*m dumpster?~ 

She was flustered, Miu grabbed Kiibo, walking away

- Running away are we?~ - Kokichi started laughing again

A few minutes passed, most of the students were already gone except Shumai, Kirumi and Gonta. He sighted and walked over to the dorms, all I need is some time alone, right?  the leader thought.


His eyes were burning and his cheeks felt warm, Shuichi was sure he never cried this much before at any other time in his life. The detective knew his friends would probably pity him if he kept crying and Kokichi would certainly mock and annoy him. He heard laughing, a laughter all of them were already aware of, the laughter of a filthy liar. The male didn't even bother to look as a fight broke down, a daily fight. Some people were already gone at this point but some of them were looking at him, he could feel it. The detective heard some footsteps getting closer and closer, he looked up and saw Gonta, his eyes were puffy and a little bit red So he'd been crying all this time too huh?

- Gonta is gentleman, he will help Saihara feel better- he said with a warm smile on his face

He mumbled a quiet thanks faking a smile to keep an act, Shuichi knew he's not stupid enough to believe it was a genuine smile. 

- Gonta thinks is better for Saihara to rest in dorm - he left

Almost tripping over his own feet, he started walking to the dorms Screw this stupid killing game, IM GOING TO END IT SOMEDAY! Im going to end it....

The Ultimate Detective walked through the corridors of the school, silently talking to himself as he wondered, deep in mind. He didn't noticed but a few people passed by him with pity in their eyes because they knew how close the pianist and the detective were at this point. always together, spending with each other watching movies and solving mysteries. Just the thought of those times made a tear roll down from his yellow greenish eyes, wiping it away as he noticed his cheek was wet. Turning in a corner, he started hearing whispers, but he pushed away the thought of that. 

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