Chapter 4 : Infirmary

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Hi! Sorry it took so long to update I was grounded and I didn't have any ways to write anything. Gomen!

Also sorry if this chapter is shorter than my usual ones because I have to study for this week's tests!

He had no words, nighttime wasn't that far from now and even if Monokuma was telling the truth there were still possibilities that Kokichi would die in the mean time. Shuichi walked to Kokichi's dorm, there might be some clues or the detective could discover something in there that might help. The door was unlocked probably because no one closed it after the trial began. He opened the door, it strangely smelled like grape and sugar and it was all around the room. Shuichi went to check the bathroom, there was still blood on the floor and glass reflecting the light like glitter. He opened the cabinet bellow the sink in search of anything actually, there was some toilet papers, an extra soap and some other products that he had in my bathroom too.

- Well I guess I should go now..... - the detective whispered to himself walking away.

He locked the bedroom's door with the extra key he found last time I came. Luckily no one saw him and if they did Shuichi would have to say something completely random since he can NOT lie properly. I mean he tried some times and no one even understood what the detective was saying. Shuichi unlocked his room door and walked in.

There was silence, he never really invited anyone over it was more like they invite him over to their so it was quite disorganised. He sat on my desk chair and looked through some cIues they found about the Mastermind. Shuichi missed everyone that lost their lives during the game until now, he hated the Mastermind for it. He gripped harder on the paper almost ripping it apart.

- Is Nighttime! students please go to your dorms! And Ultimate Detective please come to the gym if you desire! Bear well!- Monokuma spoke through the monitor.

Shuichi stood up putting his shoes back on and rushing to open the door and not bothering to lock it, Is not like anyone would rob me. He walked to the gym fast since if he ran and a monokub noticed him he might have to face some type of consequence. Shuichi opened the gym's entrance, he looked around​ but it didn't seemed like anyone was around.

The detective waited a few minutes before the well known figure of the head master of the school appeared.

- So I guess you decided to come! We've got no time to lose! Follow me! - the bear entered a door where Shuichi never really paid any attention to or even never knew was there.

He followed him through a long dark hallway, the detective could hardly see anything through the darkness and it smelled kind of weird for him. The smell was strong and sour enough to make you want to puke. Shuichi covered his nose and hoped that they were close to their final destination. The walls were naked, there was nothing on them and the floor carpet looked old and unclean. Shuichi was to busy exploring around with his eyes that he didn't even notice Monokuma wasn't in front of him anymore and that he was lost in a place he never seen or been before.

-Crap. - The detective panicked a little.

- There you are! I thought your lost interest for a second! - A woman he have never seen before said.

She had to be on her early 20's, she wore a nurse outfit but the most disturbing thing was that her clothes weren't exactly appropriate and exposed most of her legs and big chest. Shuichi felt a little uncomfortable in her presence especially because of her clothes but also how he didn't even hear her coming.

- Here come with me. - The mysterious female said indicating the detective to follow her.

They were both silent during the entire 'walk', he was curious of her but reaching his destination was his first priority right now. The woman stopped at a large door that was three times bigger than Gonta, she scaned her hand at the censor and it unlocked the huge entrance.

- Here, - she handed him a piece of paper - search for this room and knock on the door. - she left him

The paper read:

Kokichi Ouma- # 6354

Talent - Ultimate Supreme Leader

Room- #14

Shuichi looked around the white room he was now in. There were doors with numbers on them and the first door to the right was #0 and the left one #198. The detective followed the right side and hopefully he would get to 14, the numbers were increasing at each door.


Shuichi knocked shyly on the door and waited with patience. Monophanie opened the door and peaked through the five centimeter crack. She opened it fully and walked away, he gulped before slowly walking in the room where she just exited. And there was him. Kokichi Ouma laid there on a bed talking to Monokuma.

-Hey.... - he said his voice really quiet, however Kokichi heard it.

-Shumai! - He said looking quite surprised - What are you doing here?.

- I want to know the truth. - Shuichi wasn't really confident and he was sure he's going to lie of what really happened.

- Oh..... I punched the mirror earlier and glass went everywhere and I got a bunch of cuts. But that's all there is to it! Ha I wonder what got you so tense Shumai! - He explained while making some weird hand movements.

Someone knocked on the door and Monokuma went to answer it even though Shuichi was the closest to it.

- Hi! I'm here to give your health report. - a feminine voice said.

Shuichi flinched when the same woman that helped him reach here entered the room.

- oh! I see you found his room! Um, I didn't get to introduce myself. I'm Kassandra but you can call me Kass and I'm one of the nurses here. Don't worry I already know your name Saihara-chan.

The nurse gave Kokichi some papers and he frowned, I wonder why?

-I have two news. which one do you want? - Kassandra said to the leader

- doesn't really matter.

-OK so first, you can go back to class! and the second is, we'll have you to share a room with someone that will report whatever happens.

- And who will that person be? - the dark haired boy asked a little uncomfortable.

- You of course! - Monokuma responded pointing at him with his paw.

- WHAT!! - both screamed in unison

to be continued.....

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