Christmas Special

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Non despair au

Snow slightly fell from the light grey sky gently falling on the white ground. The weather wasn't so cold but the small male couldn't bring himself to wake up and get out of his warm, comfy bed. His phone ringed on his side table, he stopped cuddling with his pillow taking his phone to his ear only to hear someone he loved speak through the phone.

- Hey Kokichi, I was wondering if you'd wanna hang out.- said a male voice at the other end.

- Sure! Is not like I have other things to do either way.- Kokichi replied.

In the end, they both agreed to have lunch at their favorite restaurant and hang out for the rest of the day since it was Christmas Eve and all. To tell the truth the shorter male had plans with his friends, Rantaro Amami and Tetsuya. He quickly texted to the Avocado that he was cancelling their plans and had better things to do than play video games. Kokichi didn't even bothered to read his replies and was already off making himself some toast and taking a can of purple soda out of the fridge.

A boy wearing an emo hat on his head along with what it seemed to be a school uniform but dark version with a winter jacket and boots which fitted his hair and eyes perfectly with the outfit. Shuichi waited patiently for his lover, in front of the restaurant. It barely passed fifteen minutes before Kokichi arrived in a fast walk pace knowing he was a little late but neither of them cared about time.

They ordered their food and Kokichi started a small talk. It took longer than usual since it was almost Christmas and some people are too lazy to cook or just can't cook a proper meal and serve it to several people.

- What do you want to do after Kokichi?- asked Shuichi taking a fried potato.

- No idea.

- We'll think about it later then.

The shorter male nodded his head and they continued eating their foods and drinking their drinks.

It was slightly snowing as the two teenagers wandered through the park after eating lunch and some ice cream they found seeling at the entrance of the parking lot. Even though it was strange they still bought it since it was for free and they had weirder things and friends to worry about ice cream that was quite delicious.

They both were holding hands as Kokichi was happily and teasingly skipping on the snow almost falling when he stepped into an ice on the floor but before he could hit the ground like a rock, Shuichi held him. He helped him up both blushing a little by the awkward position they were in before. Luckily for the pair no one was around or noticed it before they continued normally walking hand to hand.

It's been about 3 or 4 months since they became officially lovers so it was their first Christmas together and New Year. Last year, Shuichi was in a different relationship with Kaede Akamatsu but it didn't really work out but they still remained close friends after their break up. Kokichi in the mean time was spending his days with his friends from D.I.C.E who he considered more like family than his own selfish parents. They left him home alone everytime they had vacations from their jobs no matter how long they were going leave and Christmas was no different.

They were having ga lot of fun walking around the city entering random malls that had something about Danganronpa since it was their favorite TV series and one of their friends was once in the show. They didn't really buy anything just some keychains , a Kyoko shirt and a Nagito shirt.

Shuichi and Kokichi were on the main street when it started to snow a lot like a snow storm. They decided to go to Kokichi's apartment since it was closer and they could go walking since the traffic was worse because it was difficult drive during a snow storm. Shuichi followed the purple head in front of him their hands intertwined together their faces dusted pink because of how cold it was.

Once they got there, they took off their boots and winter jackets and left them in front of the door where other shoes were. For Shuichi it was kind of weird no one was home to greet them for camping home but it didn't really mattered since him himself lived alone in an apartment close to their school.

- It doesn't seem like it's going to end anytime soon... - Shuichi sighed sitting with his boyfriend on the couch

- You can spend the night here Shumai! - Kokichi said a little excited to spend Christmas Eve not alone for once

- Won't your parents get mad or something?

Kokichi shook his head and told the emo his mother and father weren't coming home anytime soon. Shuichi was a little sad and pissed that he spended holidays without his family. He agreed on staying the night but he knew it wasn't really a choice and if he disagreed Kokichi would have begged him to stay and would have overreacted.

Shuichi made some snacks and two bowls of chicken ramen. While Kokichi chose what season of Danganronpa he would like to watch since he could barely boil an egg. He normally ate delivered food and microwaved noodles. They both ate their meals and Shuichi was surprisenly a really good cook. When they finished watching the fifty second season of Danganronpa for the second time, they headed to sleep.

- Well I don't have an extra bed and I doubt you'd wanna sleep in theirs bed. - Kokichi said pointing at what it seemed to be the master bedroom.

Shuichi thought about it for a second befoZre asking

- is it really ok if I sleep with you?

- Of course! I mean I don't mind that at all!

Even though there was still the "sleep in the sofa" and the "sleep on the floor" choices, Shuichi kinda liked the idea. They both changed clothes, Kokichi to his pajamas and Shuichi to some oversized clothes Kokichi's parents bought him since they didn't really knew their own son's size.

After changing Kokichi jumped on his bed and stared at the ceiling before patting on the bed signalizing Shuichi to sleep. He hesitated a little but was soon under the blanket with a soon fast asleep boy. It was almost another day so they were pretty tired from all the walking and the cold.

After a few minutes, the bells from a far away church ringed a few times echoing fadely through the room. It was midnight. It was Christmas.

- Merry Christmas... I love you.

Shuichi ran his fingers through Kokichi's dark purple hair as the smaller male hugged him already asleep. The snow fell from the sky reflecting the lights coming from the city making the snowflakes sparkle like glitter in the dark festive night.

The end

I never wrote anything like this before and now that I think about it for me at least is cringy.

I hope you enjoyed

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