Chapter 12: Please...

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The young boy woke up on his bed like all the other days, yet he still felt as if something was missing. For some random reason, the night before was only fuzzy memories. Kokichi remembered crying on something, or maybe someone...The leader sat up and put his feet on the ground. Strangely enough, he didn't feel the cold floor, but something warm and soft, however the room was to dark for him to be able to distinguish the "thing". So without thinking twice, he pushed his foot towards it as hard as he could.


The young leader flinched as he heard a loud yell coming from "it". The figure stood up from the floor, almost falling because of the pain, and walked over to the door where the light switch was. Kokichi shut his eyes closed out of pure instinct as the lights turned on blinding him.

-Why would you step on me?!- asked the dark haired detective as he clumsily walked towards the bed. 

-Is your fault for being on the ground...- Kokichi mumbled to himself feeling slightly  bad for the taller.

-Hey! I heard that! But.... Are you okay now?

-hm...- The leader nodded actually surprised by the sudden question.

Shuichi hummed at the response as he sat down on his own bed. Glaring at the piece of paper on the top of the desk as he recalled how much despair it brought his loved one a few hours ago. Who wrote it? Surely Kokichi would know, right? After all, he'd seen the man before. Even with the smallest chance that the leader might know who it was, Shuichi decided to himself that he wouldn't question the other as long as he could stay quiet about it to the other students. 'It shouldn't be that hard keeping secrets...right?' 


For a certain astronaut, the day couldn't have been more boring as he walked through the hallways in search of something to do.  After all, both his friends left him as one was dead and the other wouldn't hang out with him anymore for some reason he chose to ignore. There was nothing particularly fun or entertaining that Kaito would like to do by himself, besides training that is. But that's no fun doing alone.  

He continued walking back and forth, until he noticed a figure rushing towards him. It took a moment before he realized who it was.

-Hey, Tenko! What are you up to?

The Aikido Master stopped right before she would run past the boy and turned to the astronaut as she heard her name being called. 

- Do you want something?

- Would you like to be my training partner? - the purple haired smiled.

- um. Let me see...Why not?

Kaito's face lit up as his boredom would finally be over as he could train with Tenko now. Surely, it wouldn't be the same without his former partners but as long as he wasn't by himself it should be fine.

- Let's get going then!


- Kanade, everything's going according to plan.



The boys headed to the cafeteria where the others were already almost done with their meals as they began theirs, there weren't many students left it didn't feel like a class but more an after class club. The astronaut as well as the aikido master came in after and talked and talked to each other, some found it weird how close they were that morning. The chatter continued as Shuichi sort of forced the small boy to eat his food, he was way too thin! Kokichi finally gave up and let the taller feed him ignoring the looks some students gave them. 

When everyone finished with their breakfasts, they left to continue on with their days. Kiibo asked Shuichi to accompany him to his research  lab and he wanted to deny and stay with Kokichi, but went with the robot since it was important, leaving the little liar behind by himself. Not the smartest decision he made since he was born. The purple haired boy went back to their room hoping Shuichi would come back. Every few minutes, he'd go out and talk to a Gonta or Tsumugi so that he would have an alibi if ever someone was killed and the rest got suspicious at him for staying locked in and avoiding people.

- A body has been discovered!- was the first thing he heard as he woke up from his short five-minute nap, - Come over to the Ultimate Robot immediately, the class trial shall begin shortly!

Gotta find Shumai! Gotta find Shumai!, repeated in his head as he ran to the lab, Please... be alive. 

As he got there, the strong iron smell of blood  made him sick as he covered his mouth with both hands, but there was another scent, something was burning. He looked up to the hall on burnt, as if an explosion occurred, no something actually did explode, there were traces everywhere, like if it was a fire that started then there would still be flames but there were none. Which means it wasn't a big explosion either, there wasn't any damage done outside of the lab. 

Kokichi pushed Tenko out of the way, he needed to see who died. His eyes widened at the sight; limbs were scattered on the burnt floor, blood was everywhere, metal robot parts and wires were everywhere. The limbs were none other than Shuichi's. His head was stuck to the wall a sharp piece of metal holding it by his hair, part of it was burnt and if you really looked at it you could see a bit of his white red-stained skull, blood dripped. 

Kokichi stepped back as tears threatened to fall, but he tried holding them back so he wouldn't break out of character in front of the others. Why?

My apologies for this very long pause I took from this book. I'll try my best to finish it!  

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2022 ⏰

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