Chapter 2: Nightmare

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Just a little reminder of how I write
Bold: a/n
Italics: thoughts
- : dialogue


Miu was working on an invention and it was quite big, Kiibo tried analysing it but she got mad. He was seating on a stool against his own will, Miu wanted him to stay until they announced dinner. The robot wanted to help Kirumi but leaving without her knowledge would be mean and disrespectful.

- Great! Is all coming together! Hey robot let's go so you can help kirumi make dinner! I'm f**king starving!

He hated when they insult hi, or when they curse, these are one of the things Kiibp don't understand why they do it. She grabbed him and ran through the hallways trailing him behind her and he almost hit his foot on a wall when she turned un a corner, the robot guessed she didn't really care if he gets hurt because of her talent. And if he breaks a leg or something she can just fix it as long as it's not fatal. When they we got there, Miu started talking about her inventions and her boobs the moment she saw someone, while he helped Kirumi with the food. In the mean time Himiko and Angie came and eventually Tenko, Korekiyo and Gonta did as well.


The audience might be entertained for some time after the Ultimate Pianist's death and all the despair it caused on the other. Monokuma was so bored he decided to check on the cameras the Monokubs installed before the game started and not even the detective it self noticed it. the bear chuckled just thinking about how stupid all of them came to be after they got their memories erased, I mean some of them looked pretty smart, Saihara was basically a psycho and Ouma was so scared when he auditioned but also confident about his decision on trying out. He switched the cameras, there was nothing particularly interasting besides the Ultimate Inventor being a brat.

When he finally found something worth his time, it was Kokichi Ouma passed out in a tub. Monokuma kept looking at him like that he looks like before.... He watched as Shuichi did the rest. He closed the camera, the bear was not sure if the others have knowledge of there common events. NO, not the one that Saihara put him to sleep that was a one time event. (;) )

His job is to keep the game going that is what he was made for, to help the Mastermind, and it appears that the little liar's moments is making the audience interested. If he tried to help him, the Mastermind would get pissed and it would be worst for him. He walked over to a fridge Why are my legs so small? Monokuma opened it and took out a few bottles and placed them next to him, then he ordered a monokub to get them to the Ultimate Maid and ask her to give them to the Ultimate Supreme Leader.


It was dark, he couldn't even see his own feet or him at all. I felt like he was standing on something warm, wet and sticky and there was a cold but soft breeze. All he could do was stand there waiting for something to happen or someone to come.

He's a F*cking liar!

Why would you even fake your own death for?!

Why don't you die for real?!

I doubt that if you really died anyone would care.

Why is your talent being a supreme leader if you just make everything worse? A leader would never trick or lie to it's friends and would support others!

Is your group of 1000 people even real?

Those voices kept ringing in his ears and the most heartbreaking part was that they were all voices from people he secretly but really cared for: Shuichi, Rantaro, Kirumi, Kiibo, Himiko, Kaito and others.

He fell on his knees as tears began to fall down his face. All those words broke his heart to a million pieces, he wanted to see his fellow DICE members, they were the only ones that understood why he lied and they were always there for him and so was he for them. Now he regrets his actions, he wished that hey would trust him like he trusts some of them.

Nobody will ever trust you....

Those words were the only ones he remembers from before the game and they were enough to make him scream.

~back to the game~

The little liar woke up screaming at the top of his lungs, tears running down his face. He heard running footsteps coming from outside as he started to panic, the door opened revealing Kaito, Shuichi, Tsumugi and Maki. The detective looked like he ran a marathon and his face was full of worry, Kaito was trying to hide his worry as he stared blankly at the scene. For no surprise Maki was with her poker face and she didn't give two f*cks, while Tsumugi looked concerned and her worry seemed fake to Shuichi.

Kokichi sat up and backed until his back his the wall behind his bed, he brought his legs close to his face and covered his head with his arms.

Shuichi hurried over to the bed and didn't have time to think of what to do or say to the purple head. He sat down next to Kokichi and hugged the liar and started comforting him with words that somehow made the crying stop but he was still sobbing. Things started to get less tense until Maki lost it.

- Oi! Stop faking it! We all know this is all bullshit! - She yelled.

Kokichi started to cry again remembering all the voices that were in his mind. Tsumugi death glared her and hurried to the bathroom and came out with a cup of water. Maki kept arguing and Kaito tried calming her down with no luck what so ever so he just carried her away.

Shuichi checked under Kokichi's arms because he went silent, for his surprise he was sleeping peacefully with tears on his eyelashes. For some reason the detective slightly blushed looking to the liar that looked somewhat cute and so innocent like if he was a total different person asleep. The cosplayer sighted and placed the cup on the nightstand and left the two alone.

So Shuichi laid Kokichi down and tucked him in with the blanket. He decided it was better if he stayed in the room until the purple head waked up. He sat against a wall next to the door and faced the ceiling. The detective started to feel tired and before he knew he had fallen asleep on the floor. And a half and half robot bear was watching it all behind the hidden cameras.

1150 words

I hoped you enjoyed! The next chapter will be probably on the next weekend since I don't have class Friday yay!

Bear Well!

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