Chapter 5 : Roommates

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ok from now on I shall write my own despair plot. UwU

So I will start writing new executions, punishments, murders and free times events. :)

Now onto the chapter:

- WHAT!! - They both screamed out of shock.

Kokichi don't now how to react, he was angry but deep inside the leader knew he was happy and excited that he gets to be with Shumai. He starts blushing at the thought of even sharing the same room as him. Kokichi looked away feeling his face heat up out of both embarrass and weird things popping in his head.

- You ok there Ouma? - asked Kass out of the blue.

The shorty came back to earth, he looked over to the nurse standing next to his bed.

- Yeah yeah...... anyways! When can I get out of this hellish poor excuse of a hospitaaallllll!

Shumai stepped behind looking pretty much confused. kokichi made a questioned look face. He had no idea what was passing through his mind after they said he was the one they chose. Man I can't wait to get out of this room! He laid back down on the fluffy white bed out of tiredness, Monokuma stood beside him on the bed sheets.

- Your things are already back to your new dorm and Saihara-chan you need to pack your things for tomorrow! - Kass said more excited than usual.

Shuichi nodded walking to the door and getting out of the room and back to the long corridor. Kokichi heard the bear and the nurse also leaving and they locked the door.

What am I thinking? Kokichi is a good detective himself but there's no way Shuichi was going to sleep in the same room as him. He couldn't let him know that he cared for him as much as he cared for Kaede before she died. The detective was sure the moment he explained what happened yesterday wasn't the truth. It couldn't be something worse than that Shuichi guessed.

Shuichi went back to his room and decided to pack his stuff already and get it done as sooner as possible. He packed my clothes in a sport bag they were given at the beginning of the school year. There wasn't really anything to heavy either which made the transporting easier. Earlier Monokuma gave him the address of the new dorm room and it wasn't really that far away from where the detective currently was. He began to move the furniture they said weren't provided.

-This is more hard than I imagined......

-Need some help partner?

Shuichi looked up to see Kaito smiling at him like he usually does to almost everyone everyday. He nodded a little embarrassed, he picked up the other side of the desk the dark haired boy was caring. He told him the location he needed to bring the things in his room to, luckily he didn't ask the reason for it. After finishing cleaning his room by Kaito's recommendation Shuichi began to make my way to the new one.

His monopad played some kind of music which meant somebody was trying to contact him, curious he answered it. Monokuma appeared on the screen with Kassandra and some other girl that Shuichi guessed was another nurse next to him.

- Good morning Ultimate Detective! - he cheerfully yelled - When you get to your new room here will be a letter from me. It will be explaining some new rules you two will have follow while living together and if any of them are broken whoever did it will be punished.

Shuichi gulped at the though of all the kinds of punishments the headmaster had in mind. The screen shut off and he put it back to where it was. After that the walk wasn't really long he got to his destination pretty quick, Shuichi opened the door with the new key. The room they were going to share was indeed bigger than most, but there was no sight of any envelope or paper. He sighted as he sat on one of the beds that was closer to where Kaito put his things. Shuichi waited for some time.

The short leader still needed a few check ups before leaving his "room" and to go back to class. Kassandra was in charge of him anytime he gets an injury that is not fatal but she couldn't do anything if it was because of a punishment by Monokuma's order. The nurse was really kind and she was somehow completely fine with showing her skin to anyone that showed up. Kokichi inside appreciated her help but he always hid that appreciation with lies.

Kokichi was walking around the school his hands behind his head. Lucky for him, everyone was still eating breakfast or so he thought. A hand carefully touched his left shoulder, out of surprise Kokichi turned to see a girl a few centimeters smaller than him white haired and she looked a bit nervous.

- You need something? - he asked

- um... my name is Kaori Kanade and um....


-Can you help me get to the dorms?

Kokichi nodded quite surprised and he felt a little pity for the girl since he knew she was going to play a part in the Mastermind's plan.

They walked together not saying a word to each other. Once they arrived at the dorms Kokichi asked if she knew the school and dorm rules and she nodded. He made his way to his new room, he opened the door which was unlocked. The smell of cleaning products entered his body.

- What is this smell? - He asked yelled

- They finished cleaning this room entirely an hour ago.

- Welp it still stings.

Kokichi sat beside Shuichi on the bed.

- What are the rules?- the leader asked curious.

The detective was slightly blushing on how close Kokichi was. He handed the purple head a paper.

- So basicly we just cant do drugs drink alcohol or be outside the dorm after nighttime?

- Exactly. - answered Saihara

To tell the truth both of them were really tired since they didn't sleep the night before.

kokichi made his way to the other bed and went face first on the fluffy pillows. Than the detective heard snoring and he chuckled a bit but his eyes saddened when his eyes locked into Kokichi's bandages that could be barely seen. Shuichi yawned he turned the lights off and started to drift off.

The mysterious white haired girl, Kaori Kanade, wandered around the hallways happily singing a Christmas melody even though she knew it wasn't holydays yet.

Deck the halls with gasoline~


Light a match and watch it gleam~


Now the school is burned to ashes~


Aren't you glad we played with matches?~


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