Battle Of the Pigs part 2

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A little drarry for you guys. You deserve it I guess =)
Today is the day.

The battle shall begin

I woke up earlier than usual today. Normally I sleep in on a Saturday but this is a special occasion. The battle will begin. I walked around, the sound of my victims snoring circling very audibly around me. I take a good look at them. They're very...calm. I shall take that calmness away. Quickly.

I start by getting everything ready. I bully the House Elves into getting me as much food as they can. It was a lot. Surely Crabbe and Goyle wouldn't eat ALL of it...right?

Now I hide the food, the reason for this is because the pigs will most likely go savage and eat the food as soon as they smell it. We don't want that now, do we?

For the second challenge, be a normal human being, I discard of their usual dirty clothes and give them some clean expensive ones. I also get some tools to make their repulsive faces a little more pleasant to the eye. It wont work entirely but it'll do some good.

For the third challenge. Wait. Hold on I forgot what the third challenge was.

Okay for the third challenge, the duel, I gathered up people who would like to see the fight. For a cost of course. They all had to pay me with something good, weather it's galleons or snacks, I really don't care. So far I gathered about 25 people. Even potter and his idiots wanted to watch. I made sure to charge them a little extra... they deserve it.

Now the the final challenge. I tried to get the easiest homework I could think of. If I have them the hardest we would've spent a year trying to finish it.

Now I was ready.

I woke them up and was followed by some groaning. Lazy idiots. Goyle started sniffing. Oh no. "Hey Draco what's that smell?" Goyle asked. Again, oh no. "Yeah, what is that smell?" Now Crabbe had noticed. "It's my...perfume, yeah my perfume that's it." I said hoping they'd believe me...who am I kidding and of course they'd believe me, I mean they are idiots. "It smells good" Crabbe stated, and Goyle had grunted in agreement.

I ignored the comment and had them change. It took a while cause Goyle put his trousers in backwards. As soon as they finished I led them to the great hall. I walked back to the room and retrieved the hidden food. It was a lot, even for them.

I made my way back to the great hall. It was pretty empty as people were spending time with their friends and blah blah blah. They immediately put their focus on me,or should I say the food. I could see the hungry look in their eyes. I have to admit, it was pretty terrifying.

As I was walking to the table a certain annoying pepperoni face ginger stopped me. Great. He looked at the food also looking quite hungry.

Oh no

Weasley was a fat pig too.

"Hey Malfoy, What are you doing with all that food? Planning to gain weight on that scrawny little body of yours?" He said while eyeing the chicken and dessert. Wow. He's one to talk. I internally rolled my eyes. "Actually Weasley, this isn't for me. It's for Crabbe and Goyle so I would appreciate it if you got your ugly face out on my beautiful one. Ugliness is a disease and I don't want to catch it" I said while giving him a glare.

"Sorry I had to tell you this Malfoy, but it seems you already caught it" he said putting on a face of fake sympathy. "Oh what a shame, I must have spent too much time being around you Gryffindors". Weasley was turning red. It was a funny look on him. I saw his hand make a quick movement. Oh no. I was getting ready for a punch in the nose, but it never happened.

Potter had stopped him.


Does potter really think he needs to be the hero all the time? I DONT need his saving. How dare he think I'm like some damsel in distress. He's so stupid and I absolutely hate him-

I was rudely cut off of my thinking. By who, you may ask. Yep, you guessed it

Harry fucking Potter

"Hey Malfoy you look a bit red, are you okay?" He said while looking me up and down. He's surely judging me. That prat. "I'm fine potter, now if you could control your dog that would be nice" I spat, trying my best not to throw the food in his face. "Oh shut up you albino little ferret" said Weasley growing even more red.
How dare he.

"Ron just ignore him" Potter said calming him down. "Fine, but why do you need that much food for Crabbe and Goyle, Malfoy?" He really needs to mind his business. "It's nothing Weasley now leave me alone. Go annoy your girlfriend or something". Potter cocked his head to the side. "You're awfully suspicious, I don't trust you so I'm going to follow you"
Said Potter.

That little shit.

"You really have nothing better to do, don't you?" I said hoping he'd get mad and forget about his plans. "Nope" he said giving me a small smile.

You don't understand how mad I am. I want to scream.

"Fine! Do what you want" I said awfully irritated. He really has to ruin everything, doesn't he? "Okay, now do what you were gonna do" I head over to Crabbe and Goyle, both shaking from waiting so long for the food. Looking at me with anticipation. Too distracted to see a certain red head steal about three plates of food. Fat.ass. "Now I have brought this food for your first challenge. You both shall eat as much food and you can. Whoever gives up or has an unfortunate accident of some sort, is the loser. The Person who wins will get one point. The pig who was more points will win. Now...The battle of the pigs will begin!"

A snort came from behind me. Potter. "Battle of the pigs? Really? What are you, a seven year old? What is this anyway?" Potter had said not even trying to hide his annoying grin. "For your information pothead, I am doing a challenge. I was bored so now we're here. Stop asking questions" I said giving him a quick glare. "Alright, whatever you say Malfoy. Carry on now." Finally, I thought he would never stop talking. It seems as if Crabbe and Goyle were getting more impatient than I was. They're looking at the food as if they were starved for a month.

"Alright you start at go. 3...2...1.. G-" I was interrupted by the one and only saint potter. "So how many challenges are there?" Potter asked. "Oh Merlin potter hadn't I told you to stop asking questions?" I gave him an irritated look to which he just responded with his stupid small smile. "I know. Just wanted to see you get mad". My face had turned red. NOT because I was blushing. No. Only because Potter was an irritating git. Die.

"anyways. As I was saying before getting so rudely interrupted" I glanced at potter. "I'll start over. 321 GO"

It was terrifying.

They were eating like there was no tomorrow! It's like they didn't get full at all, how is this possible? The food had been gone In a matter of SECONDS. I stood there in shock. I looked over at Potter only to see he had also been petrified with this terrible sight.

I'm traumatized.

"Uh okay let's just go to the next challenge" I said still in complete shock. Potter and the pigs had all quickly agreed. Crabbe and Goyle looked excited, probably thinking they were going to have more enjoyable challenges. Oh how wrong they are.
Sorry I'll make a part three this was just getting way too long. And of course there will be more Drarry =] sorry if I make any spelling mistakes or some other mistakes. Trust me, it hurts be just as bad as it hurts you. It's embarrassing.
I'll make sure to do the next part quickly. Bye bye. (Kind of rushed on this one sorry)

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