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If I'm (or Draco I should say) ever mean In this fanfic, please don't take it seriously I don't want anyone to be actually hurt by Draco's words 😢❌. I just think Draco would be one to curse a lot 👍 if you're sensitive or don't like curse words then just be warned

Draco doesn't care what anyone thinks

(And Im really sorry if you feel attacked by this. Good news is that Draco won't fat/body shame or be racist to anyone. Nothing that goes past the limits of friendly bullying and if you want me to stop saying or doing something that hurts you I promise I will if it actually makes you uncomfortable/hurt)
I am back

No, I did NOT use the dildo you sick fuck.

Do you know how embarrassing it was to face potter again? Well I'll show you how UTTERLY HUMILIATED I FELT.

I was walking to the great hall and here comes your majesty with his two buffoons. He told them to go ahead without him for whatever reason, and then had the NERVE to come up to me.

"So Malfoy did you enjoy that plastic cock?" That bastard said smirking. He could have said dildo but no, he HAD to make it more embarrassing that cunt.

"I did not use it thank you very much" I said hoping he'd drop the subject and leave. "Are you suuuuure?" Potter said while smirking. I might just shove my wand down his throat.


Merlin that sounded so wrong.

"Yes Potter I am pretty sure I didn't use the fucking dildo" I said glaring at him, I'm sure my face was already burning up. "It's okay if you did Malfoy I won't judge, you don't have to be embarrassed"

I kicked him.

He deserved it.

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