Another prank failed miserably (part 1)

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I put auto caps back on just for u guys, be grateful
"No stop Goyle don't eat them, those are for Potter."

Is what I said no less than 20 times to that idiot, but of course he inhales them anyway.

Let me start by saying I was absolutely not going to give Potter some of my mothers delicious homemade chocolate truffles. I would rather suffocate myself with Crabbes foot than ever do that.

Nonono, you see, after my prank with Pansy failed miserably (which was POTTERS fault and definitely not mine) I decided to go back to my old ways and start making fun of Potter again.

Its only fair after he's been staring at me almost every day now, which I have to say is beginning to creep me out.

I can tell that he is going to try and humiliate me and the only way I can stop that is try to humiliate him first.

So, now that you know the whole backstory, I was going to have Goyle pretend to be a lovesick fangirl and give potter the truffles. Then after he eats them he'd look at the first person in his way (which would be GOYLE) and become head over heels for them.

Now you may be wondering
"Draco, you sly fox! How will potter EVER fall for that?"
Well I had to sacrifice my mothers chocolate truffles that I only get three times a month, so if he doesn't eat them I will march over there and stuff it in his mouth.

But after you read that first sentence I wrote, you can tell that this prank ended up as horrible as the last one.

I looked over at Goyle, PETRIFIED, as his greedy big hands picked up the truffles and shoved them down his throat. His mouth was dirty with chocolate, and im not even sure if he even tried to chew on the desserts. He looked over at me with his messy hands and face.

I stared back at him feeling nauseated, I could hear the weasel saying "bloody hell" echo in my voice over and over again.

Goyle looked at me with a weird look in his eyes, that instantly reminded me of the one Potter was always giving me.
It made me feel revolted because no matter how incredibly ugly Potter was, this was Goyle, who is very ugly.

His face cracked into a menacing little smile, and I could instantly see the love spell had taken over his small little brain.

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