Chapter 2 (Loki)

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After she'd walked up to her room I turned back to look at the dishes and thoughts of the entire night began running through my mind. Racing really. That hug was unexpected, having her touch me in any way that wasn't with a fist.

Raising my hands I began moving them so that the dishes and the rest of the mess cleaned itself up, leaving me standing there watching as the water ran and the sponge scrubbed the hot chocolate from the mugs by itself. For all of Tony's brains he was very stupid in some respects. Mainly when it came to his daughter.

Staring up the stairs I thought of how nice it was to be touched without violence. There was nothing two faced or impure about her. She truly seemed to want to better herself without dealing with her father and the rest of them. Can't say as I blame her for that.

I knew who the voice belonged to and I was so not in the mood. "Brother, can you please speak a little softer? My head hurts already and your voice does nothing to help it."

Get yourself back home this instant. Father is not pleased with the antics and he would have words with you.

"Ah yes, father."

Just do it. Now!

Thankfully when Thor's voice was gone so too was the headache that had inexplicably appeared. Pressing a hand to the bridge of my nose I shook my head. There would be time for this later. I hoped.

I let go of my spectral form and returned to my body back in Asgard, no where near the palace however. As I stood in the small grove of trees, covered in the petals of the yellow flowers that grew there I brushed my pants and began walking towards the only other person I allowed to see this place. "I need a portal." there was no use in asking, she was always willing to access her magics for my pleasures.

"To the palace? Alright." her lithe form glistened from the sunlight and I watched as Amora waved a hand and created a portal in front of them. One end for Loki to step into and the other for him to enter the palace itself.

As I walked into the palace I looked around at the golden walls and flooring. I knew where they'd be, in the throne room itself. Walking into the room I looked at my father sitting on his gilded throne, the patch covering his eye after losing it while searching for knowledge. His hair thinning and the lines of his face a little deeper than they were yesterday. As if the complete opposite to him my brother stood at his right side. Thor's sun filled hair pulled back with his hammer hanging by his side from the leather strap at the pommel.

Unlike the open-air audience chamber where father had once tried to put Thor on the throne of Asgard the throne room itself was quiet and serene. There was no one else there which made me wonder what exactly he wished to speak to me about. With no guards and only my brother for witness there was nearly nothing he could speak about.

"Father. Brother." I said looking sideways at Thor.

"It has been brought to my attention that you are visiting Midgard." Odin looked down on me from his throne, his one eye gleaming intently.

"Well as Allfather I would assume that you knew I was going to go there. That I was going to see Stark's daughter. And that I was going to talk her out of leaving them." It took some doing but I was able to keep the contempt from my voice. 

"You forget yourself my son." Odin replied. He tapped his staff on the floor beneath the throne and said. "Were I you I would stay away from her lest Anthony find out and take his fatherly duties out on your hide."

"Mayhaps it would be worth it though father."

"You entangling yourself with this girl will alter her destiny. Right now she is at a crossroads in her life. If she continues to be entangled with you then she may choose another, a third path and cause herself more pain than she deserves."

"So you would forbid me from seeing her? From seeing them?" I retorted as anger crept into my voice, though I was not sure if it was because I was being forbidden from seeing Abigail, or because of Abigail herself.

"I would forbid you from sowing chaos on Midgard!" Odin's voice boomed, echoing around the room.

"Okay, okay you don't have to yell." I said placatingly as I held my hands up in a gesture of mock surrender.

My father shook his head dejectedly and his gaze pinned me in place. "Loki, my son, for your sake I hope you will learn from this." He stamped his staff into the rock beneath him and aimed the tip at me, his one eye blazing with fire from within as he spoke. "For your continued actions to sow chaos among the Midgardians I sentence you to—"

A voice filled the room taking all three of us by surprise.

"Loki! I need your help!"

"Abby." I whispered under my breath and stared at my father. "I am sorry father, but I am needed elsewhere." I began to move my hands and I became invisible to them, a cloaking spell that even the great Heimdall could not see me when shrouded with this spell. As I was leaving the room I heard my father's voice. 

"Follow him to Midgard, help him and keep him from trouble. If he returns to his old tricks then bring him in."

I would have to deal with Thor later, right now Abby needed me. I entered my chambers and moved the tapestry that hung above my bed, exposing the silver rock it hid. The rock was special, it's entire being was threaded with fine filaments created not long after Thor first raised Mjolnir above his head. Eitri always did such wonderful work with the forge. And this was one of his masterpieces.

Raising my hands to touch the rock itself the entire piece glowed from within, it was just large enough for me to fit through and as it glowed I focused on where I wanted to go.
I wanted to go to Abby, but I was not sure where she was.

So I went to the next best place. Her house. Standing outside I sniffed the air, it was always crisp with salt from the nearby sea, one of the few things I envied the Starks for was the scene before them each morning.

Cloaking myself I entered the house and walked to her room. I couldn't stay long but I could take something of hers and follow it's trail back to her. Focusing on the task I was about to undertake I reached down and picked up her hairbrush, took a few strands and began the spell itself. The words were in the ancient language of the Aesir, and the bits of hair began to glow before launching themselves into the air towards her.

I followed the glowing strands out of the house and towards her. Her voice was louder now, filling my head. "Where are you?" She asked sounding pained.

I levitated and followed the glow as I willed it to move faster before finding her just a few blocks from her house in a public park. She sat on the swing with her head down, her hands fidgeting in her lap.

"Abigail." I said starting towards her. But when I got closer I could smell something metallic on the air. Anger rippled through me as I realized she was bleeding. "What happened?" She stiffened from the tone of voice I used and I bristled with anger at myself and whomever had done this to her. Such a beautiful spirit and she was afraid of someone who wanted to help her.
That was a whole load of unboxing for another day. As I reached towards her she closed herself off, folding in on herself as it were. "I promise you I will never hurt you Abigail. You can believe me because you are the only being I have never been duplicitous towards. I enjoy being around you, I enjoy your company and I...I really enjoy being around you."

She continued to look down when finally I saw her lift her head and my breath caught. Her face looked like it had gone a few rounds with a golden gloves boxer. One eye was already swollen, her nose was cut at the bridge and one nostril bled slightly, that explained the metallic scent to the air. Her lip was cut and swollen and I saw her hand was bruised as well. I couldn't tell the extent of her injuries but it was more than she was used to, that much was clear.

"Who did this to you?"

"What...what are you going to do?"

"I am going to punish them." I replied coldly, making her flinch.

"I don't want—"

"By the gods..."

I heard my brother's voice before I saw him, turning quickly I caught sight of him and smiled. "I am very pleased you're here brother. Can you watch this woman while I get revenge for what was done to her?"

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