Chapter 20 (Loki)

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"So how exactly does all of this work with my daughter being human and you being...well you." Tony asked the following day once he'd had enough alcohol to fully accept that his daughter was marrying their former enemy.

"Ah, well basically we would go to Asgard and live, at least that's the normal way. But since her family is here then we would have to split our time between the two lands so that we could still see both sides of the family."

"Is there some kind of bifrost sickness you'll have to get through since you'll be traveling so much?" Tony smirked.

"No, Heimdall is pretty much perfect when it comes to using the bifrost so we'll be fine. But there might be some sickness when she's pregnant, but then we'll have to stick to one place until the baby arrives." I knew it was bad form but I had to smile at the look on his face.

"Is she...?"

"No, but just imagine if she was." I told him and Tony just glared at me even more. "Look, if she would then obviously we would work out some kind of path for you to get to Asgard so you could see your grandchild. Just because I'm a frost giant doesn't mean I am cold hearted."

"Yeah about that. So would that mean that my grandchild would be part frost giant or are you part and they'd be more human than, what is it you're called? Jotun?"

"Yes, my race is known as the Jotun but I am considered an Aesir like Thor and Odin. And that means our child will be part Jotun and part human."

Tony stared at me for a second and then sighed. "Well I guess that's better than being part unicorn."

I knew it was meant to be funny, but I didn't find it as funny as he expected me to. Turning I started to walk away and Thor came over to me, "Don't Brother. I need to go check on my fiance."

"And I am walking with you. That is all." He was smart enough not to put a hand on my shoulder, but I knew he wanted to. He was the one that was taught how to rally troops, how to make them fight together better. But I was not one of his troops, nor would I deal with being talked to that way.

We walked up to the den Stark kept stocked with food and alcohol. That was where we found the ladies; my Kitten, Pepper and of course Nat. All three of them had glasses in their hands and Pepper was asking about decorations.

"I'm not sure to be honest. Other than the little bit I saw sneaking in and out of there I'm not sure what a typical Asgardian wedding would be decorated like"
"That is usually left up to the wife to decide. Unless you are royalty and then it's normally the royal colors."

"So what colors would that be for us?" she asked.

"Well, green, black and gold will be somewhere in our wedding because those seem to be our favorite colors." I replied.

"Mmhm, that is going to be so nice to see. Maybe I should look for some green bras for the occasion." she said as she sidled up to me and put her hand on my chest.

It felt good to have her this close, to have her touch me so openly and not be worried about how others might treat her. "Maybe you should. I'm sure it'll look nice on you." I kissed the top of her head and smiled at them all. "So is this what you've been doing all day?"

"Of course. There's so much to plan. What my dress will be, what your tux will look like. What room we are going to rent out for the ceremony. What's going to be held here and what's going to be held on Asgard."

"Well I would assume that the ceremony here will be a fairly straightforward human one with some VIP's. However on Asgard we would have our ceremony in the throne room and my mother will insist on helping, I can almost guarantee it."

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