Chapter 4 (Loki)

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    Anger surged through my body as I thought about the little shit that had hurt Abigail. He would pay, oh he would pay. I was not a god that you wanted to have on your bad side, that was for sure. He would have this trauma inflicted upon himself ten fold by the time I was finished with his pathetic mind.
    Keeping myself cloaked I followed the trail of her pain, the enormity of it swelled the air and made it heavy. She'd given me his address, it was close enough to the park, only a few blocks. But as I got closer my anger rose to a fever pitch.
His home was not anything huge. Nothing truly noteworthy. Without thought I phased through the door and floated through his walls until I saw him sitting at a computer desk watching the type of fetish porn with extreme abuse where the girl was tied to a St. Andrew's cross with an O gag in her mouth while two men used whips to lash her breasts and stomach leaving bloody tears across her body.
    She moaned and groaned as they hit her harder sending blood flying. I don't mind some pain, but going that far is a little out of my wheelhouse unless I really want to hurt the person. Seeing his arm move I realized the asshole was jacking off to the porn, he'd just assaulted a woman and he was already trying to get off to another one being assaulted.
    Throwing out my arm a burst of energy flew from my fingertips and blew the TV off of it's shelving sending it to the floor to burst apart. Sparks flew and he jumped backwards in his chair sending himself head over heels to the floor. When he tried to stand up I saw him struggle as his pants were now around his ankles and I smiled to myself. He enjoyed torturing people, so he would be tortured himself.
    Keeping myself cloaked I gripped him by the throat and threw him into the next room, there was a spanking bench there and I intended to use it to its fullest. I picked him up and slammed him back first onto the bench, wrenched his wrists down and cuffed them with the leather lined metal cuffs. Then I forced his legs back and cuffed them as well. His eyes were wide with fear as he made incoherent sounds like "who's there?" and "what's happening?"
    "You hurt a friend of mine tonight." I said coldly.
    His eyes went wild with fear "I don't know what you mean." he begged, hoping to get some relief.
    "I think you do." I leaned closer and let the spell fall so he could see me for my true self. My deep blue skin and red eyes sent fear racing down his spine. "I am going to enjoy this so much." I said as I touched his forehead and entered his mind. Since having the scepter my mental abilities had enhanced almost ten fold. Not that anyone needed to know about that. It was like walking through the corridors of his mind as I walked through his memories. I wondered briefly who had hurt him so that he enjoyed inflicting this pain on others. It was very brief.
    There were doorways for everything in there, each one looking more depraved and dark than the last. One was actually labeled FETISHES, I spent time looking through that one to see just what other perversions he was into. Then I saw one doorway that was labeled FEARS and reached for the knob. Opening the door I found a load of insane fears that I couldn't understand. Fear of heights, fear of the dark. But there was one fear I saw that would really be fun to use. Reaching into his head I focused and began my work. My pleasure.
    I looked at him with my own eyes, pulled my mind back from his but kept the door open so I could sneak back in if the need arose. "Well, well, well. It looks like there is a good bit you are afraid of. Let's take a closer look shall we?"
    Delving into his mind I made him see and feel as spiders began crawling all over his body, their tiny legs tickling his skin as they moved up his arms and legs and over his chest and abdomen. He started trying to scream but I threw out a hand and put energy against his mouth gagging him so he couldn't make much noise at all.
    His eyes began to bug out of his eyes as the spiders crawled across him. "I know what your fears are. I just want to know why you feel you have the right to assault a woman." letting up on the energy the gag dissipated.
    "I didn't attack anyone." he lied.
    I knew it was a lie, I knew it because Abigail would never lie to me about that. She'd never be one to lie about that. "I know that you did. If I want to, I can go into your memories of earlier tonight and find the attack there. Though I would much rather you just admit it to me." Mainly because I don't want to go see the memory itself. I wasn't entirely sure what he'd done, but I had my suspicions and I did not want them confirmed.
    The spiders continued crawling over him and he screamed. "Okay fine. Is that what you want to hear? I did it, I raped her. And you want to know something else? I enjoyed it. And so did she." he tried to make his voice hard as stone. But the fear from his furry little friends kept him from sounding so badass about it.
    My anger flared and I tightened my grip on his throat, I wanted it to be something else, something less than that. But now I was more enraged than before, if that was even possible "I am glad you finally told the truth. Now we can get to the root of the problem."
    "What's that?"
    "The fact that you are alive and not traumatized. We are going to fix that over the next while." His face paled as I smiled and touched his mind again.
    He watched as the spiders became a shadow encasing his entire being. He tried to open his mouth to scream, but only more spiders came out. Making him scream even more. Then the whipping began. A black whip with barbed wire threaded throughout. The first hit made him scream as his body froze. The second made him jerk against the bindings holding him tight. The third and fourth made him bleed across his stomach and legs.
    I smiled at each new wound that was inflicted on him.
    "We do not assault others!" I told him with each new lash of the whip. His eyes were going crazy now, he was being restrained, had spiders climbing out of him, shadows enveloping him and he could see my true face. Check everything on that fear list.There was only one thing left for him to experience.
    "Now, now for the fun part." I delved into his mind and he was suddenly on his stomach on the spanking bench. "I'm going to fuck your mind."
    As I pulled out of his mind I made sure to leave a timer going, for three days he would be frozen there in his mind being assaulted the way he'd assaulted Abigail, only it would look like he was the one doing and being assaulted.
    Sometimes I really enjoy punishing others. This was most certainly one of those times. When I left I returned to the park and helped her home. She would tell me about it eventually, if she trusted me enough. I hoped she would, but I also hoped she would be strong enough to continue her life and not let his assault control her.
    Though the idea of her giving up control to anyone, but especially to me, was very intoxicating indeed.
    Laying on her bed listening to her heart pound as she waited for me to say something I realized something. This human, this mortal, would be my undoing. As much as I razzed Thor for loving a mortal woman I was feeling something for Abigail that I don't think I've ever felt for another being. Was it love? I'm honestly not sure. But I do know it was something totally different from anything I'd ever felt for the likes of Amora or even Hela.
    He listened to her and wondered if she would let him help her, if he could help her. He wasn't sure if she would even want his help. "I um...if there is anything I can do..." I wasn't good at feelings, at expressing them or feeling them really. But I wanted to help her, for whatever reason.
    "I know." she was quiet for a moment before saying, "Thank you, Loki." she went back to just sitting there, as if waiting for something.
    Looking around the room I asked, "Would it be alright if I stayed to make sure you're safe?" she looked up at me with a mixture of confusion and relief in her eyes and I tried my best to give her a reassuring smile. "It's just, well I wanted to ensure you are safe and that you are not alone after this...unless you want to be that is."
    "I, thank you so much." she said and patted the space next to her on the bed. "Please, least for a little while."
    "I am at your service." I said taking a seat. "So would you like any hot chocolate?"
    She tried to smile and nod, then broke down and began sobbing with her face buried into my chest. I gently, slowly, wrapped my arms around her and realized that there was a connection between us. I knew Thor was close by, keeping an eye on me no doubt. I was sure he would tell someone about this interaction, I just hoped he wouldn't tell too much of what was happening if for no other reason than for her sake.

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