Chapter 14 (Loki)

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    I stared at the soul in front of me and shook my head. He was such a great warrior, so ruthless in battle and the son of the great Erik the Red. But then he had to go and convert to Christianity and so when he died Hela did some dark magic to rip his soul away from that celestial and trapped him here. In her realm where she could torture him day and night for eternity. And what better way then to make him relive his conversion as she killed the priests who'd performed the baptism.
Of course it was all in his mind, but that didn't matter to her, she still had the pleasure of popping in any time she felt like and see him utterly destroyed by the vision.
    "I'll be taking this back now, thank you." I touched his chest and then went through it into his very essence. It took some doing, the motherbox had already begun connecting itself to him and becoming a part of his being. Touching the device, it was basically a remote like you'd use for your television, only this one let you travel between two points in space instead of changing channels. I felt a rush and closed my fingers around it and began pulling.
    It took a bit of finangling but I was able to start untangling the connections between the soul and the device from another dimension. It came free with a loud pop and the soul, Lief, looked at us with fear and pleasure in his eyes.
    "You have truly done it now Laufeyson." And then the soul was gone in the blink of an eye. Nothing was left in his wake.
    Turning to the others I stared at them, at Abigail in fear. "I think she knows we are here."
    It took only another few seconds before I saw what had been waiting for us. The souls of her former warriors began marching on us. Row upon row of them with swords held high as they stomped forward bringing their own brand of divine retribution.
    "Yep she knows we're here." Bucky said as he and Steve moved to the front to defend them. "Can we actually hit them with these weapons?"
    "Yes, down here they are as corporeal as they were up there. The only difference is that down here they are dead." I told him as I held the motherbox in my hand. "We can probably just go right now. We have the device."
    "But do you know how to work it?" Abby asked.
    "I do. But you'll need to give it to me." Harley said walking towards me.
    It wasn't exactly ideal, but between the options I wasn't sure which was the best decision in the moment. If I gave it to her we should be able to get home, or at least out of Hel, but there was the chance she would try to double cross us. If I didn't give it to her then we had to fight the army of Hel. Steve slammed his shield into one's face breaking bone and sending it flying back even as Bucky came out with his machine gun and began a controlled burst of fire to tear them from chest to face, they fell to the ground.
    Abby looked at her and then at me. "I think we can trust her."
    I looked between them for a second and then held it out to her. "I am trusting you to get us all out of this. Just remember that."
    She took the remote and stared at the buttons on it for a few moments. Touching the button in the middle she laughed to herself. "Time to go!" A large vortex of alternating yellow and white light appeared a few feet away and up in the air.
I looked at the vortex and waived to everyone, "Let's get out of here!"
    "Not so fast brother."
    We all looked around trying to figure out where the voice came from. It was definitely my sisters' voice, hard and cruel with just a hint of merriment to it. She enjoyed causing other people misery, it was one of the few joys she was allowed in life.
    "You have entered my realm, with others who are alive. That is expressly forbidden and you know why. Now you'll have to pay for that crime." she said coarsely.
    "What crime?" Abigail asked.
    "The crime of bringing a living breathing being to Hel is punishable by not only entrapment in Hel by the person who brought them but also the soul that brought them." green and black fire appeared in front of the army and then a woman was left standing there. A slip of a woman with long black hair and black eyeliner.
    "Hello sister, we'll be going now." I said as I stepped towards Abby, putting myself between her and Hela. While I really did not want us to fight my sister I knew there was a chance we could win, and I conjured a knife at my back so that Abby could grab it and hopefully use it if the shit hit the fan. But I prayed to my father it wouldn't.
    "You aren't leaving. And that isn't going to help you any." she said inclining her head towards me, indicating the knife she knew was behind my back.
    "Run!" Bucky yelled as he let loose a torrent of bullets from his machine gun, the rounds slicing through both the army and Hela. She threw up her hands to block the attack and the bullets were blocked by an invisible force.
    All of us ran for the vortex, the boomtube as I heard Harley call it once. I kept Abby at my back as they ran. Steve threw his shield and it rebounded off of the army before being caught by Hela and tossed to the side. "Your weapons are no use here boys. There is nothing you can do to stop me."
    "You draw your power from Asgard sister, not from Hel itself." I said as I used a bit of magic to create triplicate clones of each of us to confound and confuse my sister. I sent the clones rushing around in a random pattern as we raced to the boomtube.
    "Brother!" her voice boomed as one by one we were sucked into the vortex, a pop sounded as each of them went through, Harley first followed by Bucky and then Steve standing there watching as Abby went through next. I stood next to him and nodded. We stepped through together.
    Stepping through the vortex it took less than a second for the pull to take me back to our world. I landed on my feet thankfully, on the floor in Abby's living room. There was another popping sound and the boomtube had closed and we all stood in the living room looking at one another in amazement.
    "We literally just went to Hel for a stroll and came back." Abby said.
    I just laughed. It was true, we strolled and came back. "We should be on our guard now. Hela will want to get revenge on us for that."
    "But she is trapped there, right?" Steve asked.
    "Yes, but she can still influence other things outside of Hel. She just can't influence them too much. Honestly I was surprised she was able to pull Lief's soul into her realm after he'd become a believer."
    "Now what do we do?" Abby asked.
    "Well I guess now we should send you two back to your homes, but I'm still not sure why you came here in the first place."
    "Well, that's kind of my fault actually. See I went to this other planet to get an army of parademons so I could take over Gotham, then had to kill Granny Goodness and it just started a whole fuck load of fuckery that just hasn't ended. It was an accident that we ended up here though, so hopefully you'll be able to send us home soon." Harley said.

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