Chapter 5 (Abigail)

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The healing felt like it had taken much longer than usual, but with Loki staying by, it wasn't too bad and he continued to help make sure the cuts on my back were taken care of. Even after a shower, once I was dressed enough, he'd inspect them and make sure they were clean. He would have been an amazing healer. I really didn't understand why nobody else gave him a chance to be more than some kind of villain because he was so much more than that.

We took turns each night picking a movie and making our snacks and hot cocoa. I think he liked it as well and he was a quick learner on how to make the perfect, creamy cup of hot cocoa with the whipped cream and cinnamon. We even tried a few new recipes for popcorn and breakfast items when there were days that we would be up all night. The only thing that could have made the last few months better would have been if Thor would have left us be.

I walked to Thor's room before heading to meet Loki in the living room and knocked.

"Oh, hey, Abby. What's up?" Thor asked.

"Why are you constantly watching over Loki and me?" He tried to give me a shocked look and I rolled my eyes. I had been getting better each day and standing my ground again. "I don't know what your reasoning is, but it needs to stop. And If I find out you have told anyone-"

"I didn't tell anyone about what happened." Thor cut me off, and I knew that part was true. "You wouldn't understand anyways. I have to keep an eye on him."

"No you don't. If you continue to treat us like children, I promise you, you will wake up with snakes in your bed."

At that, Thor held up his hands in surrender and I walked down the steps and saw Loki going through my movie lists on the TV. He still wasn't used to some of our electronics, and I kinda found it amusing. There were things that I could still teach him, even though he was from a place that was probably way more sophisticated than the one I belonged in. I snuck up behind him the best I could and covered his eyes. He tensed a little, but it didn't seem to be as bad as it once was.

"Guess who." I said playfully and he playfully flipped me over the couch so I was sitting next to him. "No fair." I said while playfully sticking my tongue out at him.

"Says who?" He said mischievously. It was clear we tried to one up the other in our mischievous ways. "And if you keep sticking out your tongue like that, I'm gonna give you a reason."

I lifted an eyebrow. "Oh, really now?" I playfully jumped up again and stuck my tongue out again and tried to hide behind the cabinet door and grabbed the popcorn. He tracked me with his eyes as I started up our nightly snack and started up the milk in the saucepan. "Jarvis, please let me know when the milk gets to seventy-one degrees Celsius."

"Yes, Miss Stark." The computer's voice said.

One good thing about having a dad who was as tech savvy as mine was always getting the perfect temp for everything. I grabbed the whipped cream from the fridge and the cinnamon from the cupboard. I even remembered our favorite cups: mine was my black marauders' map mug and his was the blue stitch cup.

"Oh shoot, I forgot my stuffy. I'll be right back." I quickly ran up to my room and grabbed my brown bear with the Slytherin robes on and returned with just enough time to pull the popcorn out and season it with extra butter. It didn't take long for Loki to find the next Harry Potter movie for us to watch and I went to sit down next to him with our hot cocoa and popcorn.

This routine was perfect for me. He'd allow me to cuddle up to him as I held onto my stuffie and when I'd get a little too cold, he would wrap a blanket around me. I never wanted him to turn up the heat because I was afraid of putting it too high and hurting him. Something I never wanted to do.

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