Chapter 26 (Loki)

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I couldn't believe what I'd heard, she was waking up finally. She was hopefully out of the woods and would be safe. Rushing into the room I stared down at the pod, the golden light was gone and she sat up on her elbows looking at me, our gazes locked and an unspoken easiness coming across through that bond we had.

"How are you feeling Kitten?"

She stared at me and smiled. "Sore, but a lot better. What happened?" she looked around us like this was the first time she'd seen the room, which made sense since she was out of it when I'd brought her in. "Wait, where's Madeline?"

"She's fine, we got her out of the closet and made sure she was safe when everything was over. After those things showed up and you started being a badass you got stabbed. Father gave me the casket and I froze a good bit of them so they could be dealt with. Thor and Odin helped carry and protect you all the way here so you could be put in the pod and healed."

She stared at me and I wondered what she was thinking. "It was such a strange thing. I kept seeing things, things that I had fantasized about. Things I want to hope will happen. But I also heard things I didn't think I would understand. There was yelling, and someone who sounded like Harley, but it couldn't have been her, could it?"

I nodded. "She's here, same as Ivy. They actually came over not long after we found the undead and got you into the pod. Maybe three days?"

"Why did they come over?"

"Because they had a superhero on their earth tell them that something otherworldly was happening here so they came through the boomtube and found us."

"They have someone who can see to our world?"

"Yeah, this strange guy named Doctor Fate. Ivy said he was a cosmic entity or something that's trapped in a mask. Sounds a little to genie like to me, but whatever." I reached down and gently touched her stomach just above where the wound was. Her shirt was still torn, but otherwise she'd appeared to heal nicely. "How does the wound feel?"

"It still hurts a little, but not as badly."

"Well that's good." I stared at her wound still and asked my father. "Has there been anything to tell us what that black goo was?"

"Not that we have found. It's like nothing we have ever seen before, though it does seem similar to the ether so we have to wonder if the dark elves have anything to do with this."

I thought about that for a minute and frowned. "If we have to deal with them again I'll take a contingent from Jotunheim and see what they tell us."

"Wait, what do you mean?" she asked.

"You know who my birth father is, correct Kitten?" she nodded. "Laufey was the king, but since his passing I am technically the king, though they see me as a paper king there. All because I don't actually live there, so they feel I'm not a real king. But tradition means that there is a regent that rules unless I return."

"So does this mean that we will have to visit there and live there part time like we will here and back home?"

"Oh Kitten, it is a horrible place to live. It's so cold that even though I'm from there I can't stand it. I would never want you to live there. But I'm sure I can get some kind of aid from them if we need it. After all, I am their legal king."

She stared up and I returned a strand of hair to behind her ear as she nuzzled closer into my hand. "I missed you so much."

"I was so worried about you. To be honest if anything happens to you I don't know how I'll cope with it. I truly am afraid for that to happen." we stared at one another for a moment before my mother began ushering others out of the room. "What was it like in there?"

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