Chapter 12 (Loki)

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Abigail continued nibbling on my ear trying to seduce me into something I wasn't sure I wanted. I wanted her, that was for sure. But I wanted her to be completely sober. I didn't want any chance of her waking up and saying I took advantage of her. That was something I couldn't face.

"Come on Daddy. I wanna show you how much I love you." she drawled, her voice a little slurred but mostly sluggish from the drinking.

It rankled me a little that she was so drunk, but she needed this. I knew she needed it. "I know how much you love me Kitten. But you are way too drunk to do anything."

"Bullshit" she said as she pushed me down onto the bed. She reached for my pants and started unbuckling them as she crawled up me and started straddling me. "Ever had a lap dance oh great god of mischief?" she asked as she started swaying and shaking her head sending her hair all over the place. I shook my head and she said "Then let's party!"

She started swaying again and fell over sideways, I reached for her but she bounced off of the side of bed she landed on and fell to the floor. She cried out a little and just moaned. "Kitten! Abby are you okay?" I asked as I grabbed her and lifted her to my chest and set her on the bed next to me.

"Ow, it hurts." I looked down and saw the bruise forming quickly on her wrist.

I placed a hand on it and used a little bit of magic to reduce the swelling and the pain, but it was going to take a little while for it to heal properly. And until then she was going to be in pain. "I'm sorry Kitten but you are going to have a sprain for a while."

"Damnit. I can't be out of going to Hel. Please Daddy can you help me with this?"

"I can keep some of the pain away. But it's going to take a while to heal and until then you need to be careful with it. Why don't you work on your suit tomorrow when you're sober and maybe in a couple of days we can go to Hel and retrieve the motherbox."

She looked up at me and I couldn't tell if it was gratitude or something else. "Thank you Daddy." she tucked her head into my chest and was out in seconds. Between the stress of the day and the drinking she was going to sleep for a while.

I leaned back against the pillows and closed my eyes hoping for the blissful release of sleep. Then hopefully she would be better in the morning.


The next day I made her breakfast, three eggs done dippy style with toast and bacon. She ate it so quickly I was surprised she didn't have a stomach ache. Then it was time to get to work. We walked down to her tech room, her armory where she had not only access to the same technology that Tony had used to make his suits, but also access to the technology she'd come up with that she hadn't shared with her father.

"What are we going to be facing down there?" she asked me.

"Hela is...well she's a bitch to put it nicely."

"That's nicely?"

"I could have said she was a cunt, that's more to the point though. She killed an uncountable amount of beings so she could help secure our place in the cosmos. She nearly killed our father and then had to be banished. If she has done anything with Hel then it's been to weaponize it for when she can escape and take on Asgard. Where she would have her full power."

"Okay so you're saying a lot of undead soldiers then?"

"Yes. When I was there to hide the motherbox she had patrols around her palace and has them change their route up so they aren't predictable. Our best bet is to have a set of stealth suits for everyone, I can only cloak one person at a time along with myself. Can you work on a set of stealth suits or something for the rest of them?"

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