Chapter 3 - Race's Stories (With Actors)

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- Chapter 3 - Super Lucky and Super Tumbler -
Warnings: Evil Snyderrrrr (ahhhh!)
Third Person POV

Race walks into the Manhattan Lodge, Tumbler still on his back.

His clothes were still pretty wet, but they had dried slightly.

The boys look at him when he walks in.

"Tumbler!" Lucky exclaims, jumping up from Specs' lap.

"Luck!" Tumbler exclaims, climbing off of Race's back.

They hug each other, clinging to each other.

"Racer..." Jack starts sternly.

Race looks up at him. "Jacky!" He mimics Lucky and Tumbler.

Jack shoots him a stern look. "What have I said to do when you get thrown into Brooklyn's harbor?" He asks.

Race rolls his eyes. "Calm yourself." He tells his leader. "I'm fine."

"Race..." Jack's voice and eyes were still stern.

"I'll grab him clothes." Specs tells Jack, heading up the stairs before Race could stop him.

"Race, you're shivering." Albert points out, holding his arm. "You can't say you aren't cold if you're shivering."

"I'm what?" Race looks down at his arm. "Huh. Uh- I guess I am shivering." He mutters, a bit confused.

Albert chuckles softly.

"I needed to get out of Brooklyn." Race tells Jack. "They keep teasing me and I didn't need another reason for them to." He rolls his eyes.

Some of the boys laugh.

Specs comes back with clothes for Race.

Race rolls his eyes, takes them, and leaves the room.

He comes back in a few minutes later, his cheeks puffed out, his face flushed, and his arms crossed. "Why did you give me Jack and Crutchie's clothes?" He asks, glaring slightly at Specs.

He gestures to Jack's undershirt on him, Crutchie's pants and socks, and Jack's hat.

Specs chuckles a bit. "Cause you sleep better in their clothes and you're adorable." He answers. "Plus, you're clothes are getting cleaned currently."

Race mentally curses.

"I think Spot would like this." Romeo comments with a smirk.

Race turns bright red. "Shut up." He mutters, staring at the floor.

The boys chuckle.

"Can you tell us the story?" Lucky and Tumbler ask Race in unison, looking up at him.

Race chuckles a bit. "Okay." He sits down on the couch.

The two littles climb up and onto the couch, and then sat each other on Race.

Lucky laid his head on Race's chest, Race holding him, his arm around Lucky's waist.

Tumbler laid on the other side of Race, Race's arm around his as well and hum holding onto Race's hand.

Lucky and Tumbler's hands also laid across Race's stomach, clutching each other's.

Race chuckles softly.

"After Super Lucky and Super Tumbler got Specs back to Romeo, and Romeo cried a bit more,"

Lucky and Tumbler giggle a bit.

Romeo shoots Race an offended look.

Race smirks a bit to himself.

"I lie, Romeo cried a lot."

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