Chapter 22 - "I'll Catch You When You Fall."

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- Chapter 22 - "And I'll Pick You Up When You Can't Get Up." -
Warnings: Betrayal, crying, maybe implied panic attacks
#SadieSleeps on my bed, like this, when I leave, and when I'm in bed and she's not under my covers lol
Third Person POV

Race ignores the shouts behind him.


"Race! Wait up! Please!"


Race bursts into the Lodge, quickly running up the stairs.

Race tripped, falling face-first onto the stairs.

Race cries out in pain as he hits the stairs.

He laid there for a moment, sobbing as he curled himself into a ball.

The door opens again. "Race-" he heard someone start.

Race scrambles to get up, quickly running up to the bunk room.

"Race!" Albert shouts, reaching out for him.

Henry rests his hand on Albert's shoulder. "He needs space..." he tells him softly.

Albert looks over at him, tears brimming his eyes. "But I'm his best friend..." he whispers. "I need to be there for him..." he sounded defeated.

Henry pulls him into a hug. "And he knows you're there for him, but a lot has happened in a few days." He reminds him softly. "Race- as much as I hate to admit it and just want to go help him- needs space." He whispers.

And maybe Spot, but maybe not.

Albert sobs quietly, Henry's grip on him tightening as they looked back at the stairs.

Race throws the window open, falling out of it and accidentally doing a flip onto the fire escape.

He lands against the wall the window was on, landing on his butt.

Race makes no move to get up as a sob escapes his lips.

Tears blurred Race's vision as tears streamed down his face.

Jack betrayed us.

He freaking betrayed us.

After everything.

Race slowly lifts himself up, more sobs leaving him.

He promised me.

Race kicks the fire escape. He promised we'd get Crutchie out of the Refuge.

Race sobs as he struggles to close the window to the bunk room, his arms feeling like jelly, they were so weak.

Race finally forces it closed, sobbing.

Race found it getting harder to breath as he sobbed harder. "He lied to us!" He shouts, his hands tugging at his curls. "He promised!" Race sobs, covering his mouth as he hunches over, trying to stay quiet.

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