Chapter 95 - Recovery Rules for Racer: #1 - Don't Speak

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- Chapter 95 - Sappy, Happy, and Cute Sprace Fluff (Yay) -
Warnings: injuries, joking insults/being annoyed, mentions of Revenge, getting soaked, kidnapped, borough wars, etc. Everything y'all have read about, but this is a pretty happy chapter
Third Person POV

"How many weeks did the doctor say Race had to rest for?"

Race looked up, his curiosity now spiked. Please not long, he hoped silently.

"Three weeks to a month," Specs answered, looking over the boy. He noticed the look on his face and shook his head. "Don't make that face at me. It's doctor's orders. You were choked, almost drowned, and a bunch of other things we don't know while you were in East Side," he reminded him. "I think it's a smart choice to stay resting, and it's not like Medda will let you leave anyway."

Race rolled his eyes fondly. He looked at Jack and held up two fingers.

Jack turned to Specs.

Specs rolled his eyes before Jack even said anything. "No, we're not compromising on two weeks."

Race tilted his head as Jack's eyebrows furrowed.

"Changing," Specs rephrased.

Race frowned. "Annoying," he muttered, crossing his arms.

Cloth raised his eyebrows at him. "I better not have just heard you mutter that," he stated. "You didn't break your recovery rules, did you?"

Race rolled his eyes fondly. He shook his head, before cringing in pain.

Cloth sighed deeply. "I missed you, Racetrack," he mumbled, messing with a few things in his first aid kit.

Race smiled. He gestured to himself, then held up two fingers again.

Cloth smiled.

Specs looked between them and smiled as well. "You know who also missed you?"

Race raised an eyebrow.



It had been forever since Race had seen Lucky.

He really missed him.

Race couldn't wait to go back to Manhattan again.

While thinking about Lucky, he remembered someone else. His eyes widened and he looked at Jack.

Jack smiled. "Tumbler is fine," he informed him, already knowing what he was going to ask. "He successfully made it to Red after he left you, and all he could talk about was that you needed help,"

Race smiled.

The door to the room opened.

Race looked at the door. He couldn't help the gasp that escaped him. "Spot!" he whispered excitedly.

Cloth sighed, looking Race in the eyes. "Racetrack."

Race stared at him. He gestured to Spot as if to ask how he was supposed to stay quiet when he hadn't seen his boyfriend in what felt like forever.

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