Chapter 8 - Spot Might Attack Someone and it's only Chapter 8

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- Chapter 8 - Trouble is Brewing -
Warnings: Slight tension, slight sadness, slight rudeness
Third Person POV

Race turns to face DD. "Can I just ignore all of the Brooklyn Newsies?" He asks quietly.

DD chuckles. "You'll fail if you try." He answers.

Race frowns, but he had seen that coming.

The two boys walk over to the boys at the entrance.

More smirks.

Race just ignored them and bent down in front of Tumbler. "Hey, bud." He sits on the ground.

"Hi." Tumbler looks up at him with a smile. "How is Lucky?" He asks.

Race chuckles, along with the boys around them.

"He's good." Race answers. "We have two new kids that joined today and one of them is around your age." He informs him.

Tumbler stares at him. "Is Lucky going to replace me?" He asks quietly.

Race's eyes widen. "No, no, buddy." He quickly assured him. "Lucky was literally begging me to come see you today." He informs him. "You're his first friend and while you probably aren't going to be his last, you're definitely his favorite." He reminds him.

Tumbler smiles. "So he's not replacing me?" He asks innocently.

"He'd never." Race assures him.

"What's the kid's name?" Tumbler asks curiously.

"No clue." Race answers, switching his feet so he wasn't sitting in a butterfly position, but in a criss cross position.

Spot raises an eyebrow at him.

"I left before I could find out." Race explains, leaning back against the wall.

"David and Les." Someone states from behind Spot. "Nickname is Davey or Dave, thanks to Jack."

Race looks up at them. "Oh God," he groans. "It's a Delancey."

Oscar laughs. "Pleasure to see you too, Racer." He responds.

"Why are you in Brooklyn?" Race asks curiously.

Oscar sits down next to him and Tumbler. "Morris doesn't want me at the Refuge today because of how bad of a mood Snyder is in." He answers quietly. "He basically left me here to be babysat by the Brookies."

Race laughs to himself. "You've hung with the Manhattan Newsies too much and now you're calling them Brookies, too." He responds.

Oscar laughs.

Spot rolls his eyes.

"It's like Race and Ace." Rags comments, startling Race a bit as Race hadn't known he was there.

"They tease and taunt each other a lot, but can get along like bothers." Rags explains.

Race and Oscar share a look.

I guess he's right.

"Race just has that relationship with everyone." Hotshot states with a laugh, his arms crossed as he leans against a wall.

Race crosses his arms. "Not true." He mutters defensively.

Spot shoots him a look. "Who do you not have that relationship with?" He questions.

Race rolls his eyes. "Literally all of the Manhattan Newsies," he answers. "and Tumbler." He adds, smiling down at him.

Tumbler grins at him.

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