Chapter 20 - Brooklyn- and Race-'s Here!

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- Chapter 20 - Ft. An Unimpressed Race, a Flirty Spot, and Ace and Hotshot annoying the heck out of Race -
Warnings: Slight mentions of injuries, idk
Third Person POV

Race was talking to Henry and Ike, when he heard something.

"Newsies need our help today
(Newsies need our help today)"

Race's eyebrows furrow. What-

He noticed Ike was smirking as he shared a look with Boots, who was also smirking.

"Tell 'em, Brooklyn's on the way
(Tell 'em, Brooklyn's on the way)"

Race almost groans out loud. "Of course they're singing and making a dramatic entrance." He grumbles under his breath. "That's so Brooklyn."

Henry and Ike laugh.

"We're from (Brooklyn)
We are (newsies)
We are Brooklyn newsies"

Race turns around, finding Spot leading the Brooklyn Newsies as they walked into the building.

Ace was right next to him, his arms crossed as he smirked.

Hotshot was behind him, with Red, and Smokes was to the left of Spot, though slightly behind him.

Race made eye contact with Spot, who winks at him.

Race blushes slightly, rolling his eyes as he looks away.

"Just got word that our buddies is hurtin'
Facing total disaster for certain"

Race noticed that the Brooklyn boys were walking to the stage. Oh goodness.

"That's our cue, boys, it's time to go slummin'"

Race was unimpressed, his arms crossed.

"Hey Manhattan, the calvary's comin'!"

Race scoffs slightly, rolling his eyes. "You are literally three days late." He mutters.

He saw Hotshot and Ace exchange laughs at him, causing him to roll his eyes again.

"Have no fear
(you know we've got your back from way back)"

Did you always have our back from way back though? Race squints his eyes slightly as they walk towards the stage.

"Brooklyn's here
(we'll get your pay back and some payback)"

Spot was almost to the stage.

Race turns around to face Henry and Ike. "I might have to leave if they come up here." He tells him quietly.

"We're the boys from the beaches of Brighton"

Henry and Ike chuckle.

"Prospect Park and the navy yard pier"

"I kinda doubt Spot would let you." Ike tells him. "I'm surprised you aren't singing with them." He chuckles. "Besides, you're our leader right now."

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