Chapter 102 - Little Visitors

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- Chapter 102 - Fluffity Fluff Fluff -
Warnings: injuries, crying, mentions of everything that happened in East Side
Third Person POV

Spot ran his hand through Race's curls, internally marveling over how soft they were.

The boy, who was laying with his head in Spot's lap, wasn't asleep. However, he was just resting his eyes because his head hurt from crying.

After waking up from another nightmare, Race had decided to tell Spot and Jack about everything that happened in East Side.

All of the stuff Revenge said to him.

All of the injuries.

All of the memories.


This feat was easier said than done and ended in tears about ten minutes before.

Now, Jack and Spot were both sitting by/on the bed silently as Race calmed down.

Spot looked at Jack. "Remind me..." he started quietly, "to tell Switchblade that I don't care what happens to them."

Jack nodded.

They had a plan to take Barter, Impulse, and Scar down to Jersey in a few days.

From then out, Switchblade would deal with them.

As for the rest of the East Side Newsies, most of them had been manipulated by Revenge, who used the anger they had from either bad home lives or life not being fair to get them to work with him.

Most of them were good kids who were just angry at the world, so Spot was giving them another chance to form their borough and ally with all of the other boroughs.

They already had a leader in place, one who—after talking to him for a bit—Spot trusted with would take great care of East Side and would make it a great borough.

Race gasped quietly, lifting his head up a bit. "You're going to Jersey?"

Jack smiled. "Yep. Gotta take Impulse, Barter, and Scar down there in a few days," he informed him.

"Jack, dude, you gotta wait until I'm allowed to walk again," Race told him, trying to sit up (with the help of Spot). "I wanna come."

Spot's eyebrows furrowed as he wrapped his arms around Race. "Is that a great idea?"

Race shot him a look. "It's the best idea, Sean." He leaned his back against Spot. "I wanna tease them about the fact that they can't do anything to me anymore."

Jack chuckled. "I think that's fair."

Spot looked at him, still wary. "Even after everything he went through?"

"Yes." Race nodded as if to help make his "yes" more affirmative than it already was. "I'm like- so fine."

"Oh yeah?" Spot made eye contact with Race. "May I ask which Race was just crying in my lap?" he questioned knowingly.

Race rolled his eyes fondly. "Obviously Queens's Race," he responded. "Jersey's Race is very excited to give Barter a taste of his own medicine."

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