Part 2

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I am Myoui Mina, 20 years old, an open lesbian individual who strongly believes in Love and forever. Yes im a hopeless romantic person, who believes that forever exists. My friends sometimes find me weird as my concept of love is within the extraordinary.
Anyway, i am a senior at Seoul university taking up business management course. My parents are the owners of the Myoui incorporated here at Seoul who specializes in garment industry,that is the reason why im taking up a business course as I will help my parents manage our company. I live at my own apartment 30 minutes away from school as i wanted to be independent. My parents at first were against it as they are very strict with me, but otherwise theyve accepted it later on.

Today, i woke up early as i have my class. I feel the usual, took my coffee and grab an apple and started my way off. I rode my black bmw fully tinted. Yes im lucky to have a fortunate life, but nevertheless i always maintained my foot on the ground and never thinks about social status and all. As i head my way, i was in the middle of my trip when i saw a black porsche car park at the side of the road. The front hood was open and i saw a smoke coming out. I saw a lady standing beside it and she seems like a lost child. I park my car behind her and thought of checking out what could be the problem and i might be able to help.

As i slowly approach the lady, i was stop at my track as i felt a sudden short spang at my forehead. And it really hurts the shit out of me. I felt kinda dizzy at first and all i can mutter was a loud cry. "Ouch!! That hurts!" I look at my hands and see blood coming out from my forehead. I felt like i was about to faint as i am scared of blood, but the pain in my head is worst. I see the lady fastly approaching me and check me out.

"Im so sorry, im sorry did i hit you? I didnt mean to im so sorry miss. Please come and sit here for a while, im gonna check your wound"
The lady nervously said. She ushered me to her driver seat and let me sit there and i saw her get her first aid kit from her bag. She really seems nervous as the blood from my wound she hit was oozing. As she carefully cleans my wound, the cleansing agent stings so hurtful that i couldnt help but to shout it pain.

"Ouch! That really hurts! Do you know what your doing miss?" I said hurtfully as it freaking god damn hurt. The lady nervously replied,

"Sorry, im so sorry miss, it will really hurts so much as it is deep, im sorry but i need to clean this and cover with a bandage, and we need to go to the clinic if it needs suture or no okay? Please be still"

As i heard the word suture? I got afraid and reacted again as nervousness starts to fill my heart.

"Suture?! What? No?!"

"Okay, okay, i will just clean it nicely and cover it with bandage. but we need to go to the clinic to check it thoroughly okay? Im so sorry miss, it will sting a bit, but please calm down."

I suddenly calm down from her softly speaking voice towards me. As i allowed her to clean my wounds and covered it with the bandage. She is very near me and i can smell her perfume. Her perfume that is so fragrant,and fits her well. As she was finishing me up, i cant help to notice but to check her out. She has a long brown hair, shoulder length, it seems so soft though she's wearing her cap. She has a beautiful eyes. Her eyes that says a thousand words. She is petite like me but im taller than her by a few inches. She looks a fine young lady to me as her outfit were so classy too. her complexion is white and her skin seems so soft. Her hands that are soft i belive as she touches me gently. And most of all she smells really fragrant. So addicting that i can almost sleep. I didnt notice that she almost finish me up as i just stayed there staring at her beauty.

"There, its done. Are you okay miss? Does it still hurt? Anyway here is a pain killer, you need to take this as the wound will hurt your head. Drink this water its clean" she softly speak. I was at lost for words as i notice that she snap a finger to me to respond.

"Hey miss are you okay?" She said smiling.

Her smile, her smile that melts my heart. I feel my heart skips a beat and i suddenly feel nervous, and this feeling, i knew it. Something is weird, i feel happy just by seeing her. As i look at her and responded.

"Uhmm yeah thanks, thanks for this." I drank the Medicine she gave me. She just stares at me smiling.

"What were you doing here anyway?" She softly speak.

" uhmm i was driving going to school when i see you car park here and i thought you might have car problems, so i stop and was about to help you but i was hit by a stone so yeah" i said awkwardly.

The lady laughed a bit as she looks at me.
"Im really sorry for hurting you i didnt mean to actually. And yes tiger failed me here at the middle of the road"

"Tiger?" I said confused.

"Uhmm yeah, this car, i called her tiger. So i dont know what happened to this. Im really sorry for hurting you and im not laughing at you, im laughing at myself. Im dumb when im pissed off"

I smiled and stand up and slowly approach her.
"Well i dont think we can fix it now. We need a mechanic to pick this up. If you want i can call one to check this out."

I dialled our personal mechanic and luckily he will get this cute lady's car to his shop near school.

"Okay, i have called my friend and he will pick this up and bring this to his shop near school. We can check later if you want. For the meantime, i will drive you to school and to the clinic as well"

The lady was surprise at my actions and she tried to refuse my offer.

"Oh no its okay im just gonna take a cab and i go to seoul university so.."

"Its okay we both goes to the same school anyway and we both need to go the clinic right? You know for this?" I smiled and pointed at my forehead. The beautiful midget smiled warmly at me and guilt was seem from her face.

" okay lets go then" she said as she followed me to my car. As we are approaching my car, i suddenly felt sleepy and yawned. I forgot we havent introduced each other yet. I turn towards her and caught her staring at me warmly,

"Sorry i havent introduce myself. Im myoui mina,a senior and im taking up business management" i smiled and shake her hands. I was right,her hands are so soft and warm.

"Im son chaeyong, junior and im taking up medicine"

I was surprised as she is very cute to be a doctor. She must be so intelligent.

"Oh so thats where your knowledge from first aid and medicines comes from yeah?" I said smiling. She nodded and smiled back at me.
I was contantly yawning i think from the medicine she gave me. I ask her politely if she can drive us back to school.

"Uhmm chaeyong, do you mind to drive us back to school as i feel sleepy from the medicine you gave me" i said politely. Chaeyong agreed as i can see that she is a bit worried about me. I heard her say,

"Uhmm sorry the pain killer will let you feel sleepy. Of course i will drive and bring you to the clinic so that you can rest there okay?" She said softly as she ushered me to the passenger seat. She put on my seatbelt for me, and wow what a gentlewoman. She made me feel comfortable. I saw her enter the driver seat as i lean my head closely at the window as sleep is slowly drifting at me. I heard her say and put my head at my pillow which she found at the back seat.

"Hey mina,put this under your head so that your neck wont hurt. Sleep for a while and i will wake you up later okay?" She smiled smiling and her dimples was so cute.

"Thank you chaeyong" i warmly said. This girl will be the death of me. I felt my heart flutter. She looks at me and smiled . we went off and i feel sleep is really eating me..

--i hope you like it😊---

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