Part 11

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Chaeyong was discharge the afternoon of the next day after her chemo treatment. Mina decided to let chaeyong stay at her house so she could take care of her girlfriend. Dayhun was always checking up on the couple most of the time as the latter need to see wether chaeng would still exhibits side effects at home.

While at their house, the couple tried to live a normal life although they must admit that life is a bit hard as they have to make necessary adjustments to their own work. Chaeng decided to take a leave from her medical residency while her treatment is ongoing, and Mina decided to work from home instead and occasionaly goes to their company for her training. Mrs Myoui understands her daughter's situation as she knew how Mina loves chaeng very much.

Later that evening, Mina decided to invite chaeng to have a walk in the park for the couple could have a breathe of fresh air. Chaeng agreed as she feels better going home and stay under Mina's care.

At the park...

" hey chaeng? " mina said as they casually stroll hand in hand appreciating the beautiful sunset.

"Yes love?" Chaeyong replied.

"I was thinking, uhmm.. i know it seems so sudden but do you perhaps want to marry me? Hehe" as mina nervously and awkwardly hold her nape.

Chaeyong was left at awe as she was surprised to hear what the taller girl said. She smiled and replied..

"W-what??? A-are you serious? Or your joking"
Chaeyong surprisingly ask..

Mina smiled warmly and said..
"Well i thought about this for a while, sorry i dont have a ring and im so upfront about it hehe but its really the truth chaeng.. i really wanna spend my lifetime with you.."
Chaeng still couldnt believe what she is hearing but otherwise, she doesnt need a romantic proposal or whatever at this point of her life,so she replied to mina..

"Of course babe..i would like to marry you and spend my life with you too! Hahaha"

"Is that a yes chaeyong??? Really?!" Mina ask happily..

"Yes yes yes minari! " chaeyong hug her lover tightly and kiss mina's lips which the latter reciprocated. They were both very happy and contented with each other's arms.

" i love you so much chaeyong, i will l buy a ring i promise" mina shyly said..

"Minari, the ring can wait. What matter's now is us. Im yours and your mine. Okay" chaeyong explained.

They called up dayhun and told her the great news.

" unnie!!! Were engage! Mina ask me to marry her! Im so happy unnie! " chaeng excitedly said to dayhun.

"Wow chaeng! Im so happy for you and mina! Really my heart is overwhelmingly happy now" dayhun said.

"Thanks so much unnie. Your invited to our wedding hahaha"

"Of course! I will be there for sure. Im your best unnie remember?. I love you chaeyong"

"I love you more unnie"

Chaeng and Mina went and stroll at the park happily. After a while when the temperature becomes cold, mina ask chaeng to go and have dinner with her to avoid chaeng's exposure to the cold weather.

They had their dinner at their favorite restaurant. Mina making sure to check the food of chaeyong for she doesnt want her lover to ear unhealthy foods.

They were happily eating their dinner when chaeng suddenly felt dizzy and light headed and about to vomit her food. Mina notice this and becomes instantly worried.

"Babe what's happening? You okay? C'mon lets send you home" mina worriedly said.
Chaeyong took a deep breath,she doesnt want to ruin their dinner. She just took a break from eating until sbe recovered.

"Til Death do us part..i love you.."Where stories live. Discover now