Part 5

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The next day..

Chaeyong woke up too early than her usual morning as she was beyond way too excited to see Mina on her home. She thought of what to wear as she plans to ask mina to go to the mall afterwards if the latter would agree. She doen't understand what she feels but after yesterday, she feels different towards the older girl.  She knew the girl was extraordinary, someone who really caught her attention and captures her heart. She knew this is the first time that she ever feels different and affectionate towards someone. And to be honest she is afraid. But at the same time, she feels excited and happy if she is with Mina.

She took a nice bath and decided to wear her jean shorts, tucked in by her pink shirt and her white hoody, she paired her outfit with her white nike sneakers and of course her eyeglasses. She didnt wear her cap today as she plans to keep her hair down. She actually texted Mina that she will be early which the latter agreed.

She finished her overall dress up at 9am and immediately went out as she bid goodbye to her parents. She arrived at around 930am to Mina's apartment. And she was beyond surprise that it is not an apartment but a house!.

A house where there is an entrance for your car and you can park inside. There was a mini garden on her right from the parking lot and there you can see the entrance to Mina's house. She park her car inside and carefully knock to Mina's front door. She was greeted by what she thinks is a housemaid as she was in uniform. Chaeyong carefully greeted the lady.

"Anyeong hasseyo, i would like to see Mina, i am chaeyong her friend" she politely said to the middle age lady. She was ushered inside the elegant living room as she looks around the whole house. Wow! Her house is big! I mean her house is big too but not as big as this. Mina must have been really rich,chaeyong thought.

After a while of waiting, she didnt sit to the elegant sofa as she was so ashame that it might get dirty or disarranged. So she just waited patiently for Mina to arrive.  After 10 more minutes of waiting, mina came out of the room rushing out from her door. The goddess just wore a short shorts, an oversized yellow tshirt and a white sneakers. She just finish a bath and her eyes look like she havent slept at all. She looks tired as per chaeng. She was rushing to go down from the stairs as she knew she was already late from their call time.

She almost came running when she saw chaeyong standing facing on her back. She immediately greeted chaeng and back hug the younger cub which earn a sudden surprise from  the cub.

She is still back hugging her when she whispered. " chaeyong.."

Chaeng immediately felt the whisper and it sent shivers to her whole body. She can smell Mina's breath which is so addicting. she turn her side to Mina and she saw the goddess nervously speaking and looking at her. Chaeyong smiled warmly and replied.

"Hey mina, why your such in a hurry? What happened?" She worriedly look at Mina.
Mina gently shakes her head as she hold chaeng's hands.

"Im sorry chaeng to keep you waiting. Ive overslept after you message you will come here early. I was just awaken when you arrive so i hurried to take a bath and ready. Im so sorry chaeng please forgive me." As mina ushered chaeng to sit at the sofa.

Chaeng was confused as f*ck as to why the goddess was so worried for her being late. It was only 1020am in the morning and its not a bit too late for her. Chaeng holds Mina's hands as she warmly smiled to the goddess in front of her.

"Hey Mina, chill. Why are you so nervous? Its still early and we dont have a class, what's up with all these explanations?" She said smiling. Mina didnt realize that she is also smiling back as she was so ashame to have chaeng waited for her.

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