Part 4

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2pm in the afternoon...

Chaeyong and dayhun patiently wait outside Mina's classroom for their supposed afternoon snack. Mina on the other hand constantly looks at her watch, unable to contain the excitement she is feeling to see the cub she misses so much.

"Mina, why are you so excited to see chaeng? Your just with her the whole morning,gosh control yourself girl" she said to herself. At last the bell rang,signalling that classes has ended and finally she will see her crush?😀

Mina gathered her things collectively and when she went out of her room, there she saw the two lovely ladies smiling and patiently waiting for her. The two ladies approach her with their all smiles and said.

"Hey there goddess, nice to see you again. How's your class?" Chaeng spoke while smiling like an idiot towards her. Mina finds this super cute as she cant contain her heart beating really fast towards the midget's cuteness. Dayhun was just smiling to see them.

"Ahmm same old same old. You girls really waited for me, im so touch. "

"But of course, we dont have anything to do anyways and uhmm chaeyong here is really i-."
Chaeyong cut her unnie as she covered dayhun's mouth in an instant.

"Uhmm we are really hungry that's what unnie wanted to say, hehe right unnie? " as she releases dayhun from her hold.

"R-right haha yeah were hungry so lets go" dayhun just shakes her head smiling.

Mina smiled and nodded her head and they proceeded to the hallways where chaeyong's fansclub were still waiting for her to have a glimpse on her before they go.

"Chaeyong!!!! Chaeyong!!! Marry me!!!!"
"I love you chaeyong!"

Screams can be heard as the trio passes by the hallway. Chaeyong just waived her hand simply and thanked them and bowed her head slightly. Mina was so surprised and it melts her heart to see this humbling trait of her crush.

"Wow chaeyong, your really one of a kind. Look at them, theyre really waited to see you before they go" mina said.

" i told you, they should be respected although sometimes theyre really annoying and noisy. But its flattering,knowing to see their effort, even if they knew that i will just smiled at them" chaeng simply replied as they continue their walk.

As they reached the parking lot, dayhun thought about chaeng's car.

"Uhmm chaeng what about your car though? Is it okay now?"

"Uhmm wait let me call the mechanic," mina said. she got her phone and dialled the mechanic. And the mechanic told he will bring chaeng's car now.

"Uhmm he said he's on the way with your car. We will wait okay chaeng?" Mina said.

"Wow the flash! Mina your incredible! How'd you do it?" Chaeng excitedly said. As dayhun nodge chaeng's shoulder slightly.

"What unnie? Isnt it Mina fantastic? She just called a man and my car is fix?! Wow Mina you must have been rich or something" chaeng said.

Mina and dayhun look at each other silently,as obviously chaeng didnt know Mina's status in life. Mina knew dahyun know something as she signalled dayhun to not tell chaeyong. Chaeyong was playing on her phone while waiting for her car as she notice the two was silent.

"Hey whats the matter you two? Youve became silent, did i say something wrong unnie" she said. Dayhun look at Mina and said.

"Nothing cub haha im just hungry right mina?" She said smiling.

"Yes dahyun me too hehehe"
Chaeyong nodded. Her car arrive after five minutes and chaeng told dahyun to accompany mina at her car while she follows them. Dayhun agreed to sit with mina on their way to the restaurant.

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