Part 12

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At the icu..

Mina worriedly stayed at her girlfriend's bedside, carefully checking chaeyong's condition every now and then. She kept on pacing back and forth the room, hoping and praying to God for chaeyong to wake up from her sudden cardiac arrest that Mina finds it difficult to comprehend.

"We were okay earlier, we were discharge today, we were just strolling at the park and just ask her to marry me! Why god? Why???" She silently cried as she looks up and cried. She kept on mumbling to herself these words, words that she wish chaeng could hear. She hold chaeng's hands,it feels cold. She kissed chaeng's pale lips, the lips that once filled with love and life,now pale and weak. She caressed chaeng's face, her face that's so soft and she loves to hold. Tears just fell down from her eyes. She wish everything will just be as before. Where they used to be happy, how she met the impatient chaeyong, how chaeng treated her wound. She remembers all the happy moments. A small smile was seen at her face as she caressed chaeng's face.

"Chaeng please wake up.. im here babe, please wake up." She said silently.

Dahyun enters the room silently, Mina look up to her and mina knew things are different now. Dayhun's face was so devastated as if the world turns upside down. She went to chaeng's bed and hug her maknae and kissed her forehead. For the very first time, Mina saw dayhun cried herself out, she heard faint sobs. Mina went and hug dayhun as she tried to calm down the unnie chaeyong loves so much.

"Dayhun, chaeyong would not be happy to see you crying like this, what is it that you want to tell." Mina ask as she ushered dayhun to sit.

Dayhun wipes her tears and look at mina sadly.
" you know, i have never seen chaeyong happy since the day she has met you mina. You were her greatest love and the day you ask me for my blessing to be closed to her,i was very happy. My heart felt at peace for finally, chaeyong finally found the one. Today when she called me that you've ask her to marry you,  it was the perfect moment. The perfect moment to celebrate. I love chaeng so much mina, and i knew i did my best. Do you understand me?" She is crying now. Mina hug her and said..

"I know dayhun and im beyond grateful, why are you telling me this?" She ask confusion was evident on her face.

"I just want you to know how greatful i am to you"

" i am too dayhun.."

"Mina, chaeng suffered a massive heart attack. There was a big rupture of muscles in her heart and is unrepairable, i cant do anything more. Finding a heart now is impossible, but i have line her up for a transplant though it is risky as she has leukemia." Dayhun explain.

"W-what??? No.. no.. this cant be happening dayhun no, please tell me its not true,please" mina cried to dayhun.

Dayhun hug mina.." mina.. its the truth, and another heart attack might cause chaeyong's life. I am so sorry mina."

" i- i cannot lose her dayhun, i still want to marry her, i love her so much." She said crying.
Dayhun just kept silent as she no longer know what to say to mina. She knew mina's heart was so broken right now for everything that happen.but she did all that she can do. They stayed like that for a while until theyve notice chaeng to be awake. Both friends came at chaeng's side.

" babe, chaeyong your awake? Thank god" mina kiss chaeng's lips. Chaeng weakly smiled at her and look at to dayhun.

"Baby,. Im sorry.. unnie hi youve came." Chaeng replied.

"Of course i will come for you, i told you right?" Dayhun weakly smiled back to chaeng.

Chaeyong look at dayhun and said..
"Unnie, thank you for everything. Do you remember when were still kids that you always save me every time? You did it again. Im so happy i have you unnie in my life. Please be a good doctor unnie and take care of mina..okay for me unnie? I love you you know that right?" Chaeng weakly said as she cough a little.

"Til Death do us part..i love you.."Where stories live. Discover now