Part 9

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Mina went home to freshen up. She didnt understand how she got home safe after all what happened today to chaeyong. For the first time in her life, she feels scared. Scared to lose someone so special in her life. Someone who completes her heart and as a person. She wants to question god, on why it has to be chaeyong. Why not the others ? She said to herself. Why when everything seems to be in a good place for them. Questions she knew would never have an answer..

She went to her room, took a bath and cried. Cried her heart out. She cannot cry anymore when with chaeyong as she knew, it would not help her lover. She went out of the bathroom, wore her favorite flower dress that chaeng gave her, put on a simple make up, and sprayed chaeng's favorite perfume. The sweet vanilla scent chaeng loves to smell on her. As she look herself in the mirror, she cannot help but to tear up, she is so sad, emptiness fills her loving heart, confusion on what to do next to their lives. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath and hope for the best. She went out of her room and luckily her mother was there at the living room.

She silently walk towards her mother,embrace her warmly. Her mother knew something is wrong,she hugs her daughter back and rub her.

"What happened to Chaeyong mina.." she kept on her daughter's embrace. Her mother felt sobs coming out from her precious daughter. She just allowed mina to cry once more until Mina was able to really explained the whole situation.

"Mother, chaeyong, she has acute leukemia.. i really dont know what to do oemma. I c-cant lose her mom, i will not be able to accept this.." as she kept on crying to her mother. Sadness and worry was evidently seen on her mother's eyes, she hug her daughter back and cried.

"Mina.. im at lost for words, i know it is painful. And i didnt understand why this is happening, but one thing is for sure Mina. God has plans for everything. We may not understand it now, but later on we will see why. Im hurting as you are, but you have to be strong for chaeyong. And for the both of you. We will do our best mina do help
Her get the best treatment we can give. But for now, i want you to stay with chaeng no matter what? Do you understand my love?" Her mother said in the most comforting words she can as she wipes her daughter's tears.

Mina nods at her mother's words and just stayed for a while at her mother's embrace.
Mrs. Myoui knew, this is the first time, mina ever love someone who is really precious to her, and seeing her crying and possibly losing the person her daughter chose to love breaks her heart the most as the mother. She promised herself that she will help chaeyong no matter what.

After a while, Mina broke the hug and fix herself.

"Oemma, i have to go and see chaeng now, thank you so much mother. Chaeng said her thank you too for all the help" she said as she kissed her mother on the cheeks.

" chaeyong is a family mina. Remember that. Go now and dont forget to take care of yourself too. Arraso?"

"Yes oemma. See you tonight oemma"

She bids goodbye to her mother and get inside her car. Mina somewhat felt a relief being able to be open to her mother on chaeyong's condition. She feels hopeful as she is getting much support and love for the both of them. She thinks of the happy moments she and chaeyong had. She smiled to herself and said.

" i will fight for us chaeyong my love.."

At the hospital..

Mina arrive at the hospital and proceeded immediately to chaeng's room. She find the cub awake and a her mood was happy this afternoon. She was happily sitting on her bed and talking witj her dayhun unnie.

"Hey babe, im glad to see you awake. How are you feeling?" Mina said as she kissed chaeng's forehead.

"Im okay now a bit love, the nurse said i dont have a fever anymore. This fluids really helps. Hehe. How are you and oemma. Were you able to rest for a bit?" Chaeyong lovingly asked.

"Yes for a while. Uhmm i brought you your favorite pajamas and your food. You wanna eat?"

"Wow haha. I love these. Thanks babe, and you look pretty by the way and you smelled fantastic!. Uhmm i wanna eat those"

Mina's heart was fluttered by her lover's  compliments. She carefully remove the food and fed chaeyong.

Their day went like that, mina taking care of chaeyong the best as she can. Dayhun has to go home as she has work tomorrow. Anyway dayhun will see chaeng in the morning. Chaeyong took the time to cuddle
With Mina, hugs and kisses were exchange between the two. They savored their moments that they can while chaeyong is not her starting her treatment yet.

"Babe.. are you afraid?" Mina ask chaeng before they sleep. Chaeng looks at mina warmly..

" yes i am actually, im afraid of what the future might bring for me, for us.. but those fears are gone as long as your with me.." she smiled to her lover.

Mina smiled and kissed chaengs forehead.
" we will fight this together okay? I will be by your side okay? I love you.."

"Okay.. and i love you more mina.." she smiled and they both tried to rest and sleep..

"Til Death do us part..i love you.."Where stories live. Discover now