Part 6

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The next day at school..

Mina was early at school waiting at the parking lot hoping to see and speak to chaeyong after what happened yesterday at their house. She has about two hours free anyway before her next class. She was patiently waiting until she saw dayhun's car arrive. She immediately stands up,fix herself and waited for the girl to arrive.

Dayhun saw her and came up to her. The unnie doesnt seem to have any idea at all. Dayhun approached mina.

"Hey mina,your early? What's up? Why are you waiting here? Dont you have any class?"

Mina look down as sadness can be seen through her eyes. She look up at dayhun and the unnie notices this worried and sad face of Mina.
" uhmm i was waiting for chaeyong dayhun, im hoping to speak to her actually. Something came up yesterday, and i hurt her dayhun. I hurt chaeyong's feelings and im so sorry. I know i promise but im so sorry i didnt mean to dayhun believe me" mina was crying already. Dayhun got concern as to what the goddess is talking about. She ushered mina to her car and talk to her.

"Hey mina hey, wait up. I dont really understand what your saying here? What hurt? And what happened?" She ask worriedly.

Mina calm herself from crying. She holds dahyun's hands and tells her the whole story. The whole story including her mother insulting chaeyong and finally revealing to chaeyong who they were. After she told the whole story, she still kept crying as she cant control her feelings anymore.

Dayhun was beyond shock to what she has heard. She was actually lost for words as tears were start to fall from her eyes too. She was hurt for chaeyong, as well as she was hurt for mina. Affer they cried, dayhun speaks..

"Mina, i really dont know what to say anymore to the both of you. I am hurting for my chaeyong, as we both know she isnt like what your mother is telling. And i am hurting for you too,because i know that you cared for chaeyong so much. I know you didnt mean to hurt her. I knew that. But Mina, chaeyong is hurt, way beyond hurt im sure,so i really dont know if she will talk to you after yesterday.." dayhun look down.

Mina look at dayhun warmly..
" i know she wont talk to me, ive hurt her so much. But i also like her dayhun, i like chaeyong more than a friend. She is special
To me. I cant lose her because of this."

"But what about your mother mina? What you will do with that? Huh? Chaeng will just be hurt even more."

" i will fight for chaeng dayhun, even if she will not talk to me, or mother. I know i love her dayhun. Its the first time i felt this way"

Dayhun smiled to mina's determination. She hug mina as mina hug her back. Dayhun knows chaeng loves mina, she is just hurt for sure.

"Thank you mina for loving my chaeyong purely. I really wish she would talk to you. Dont worry i will help you talk to her. Now cheer up and fix yourself please. She will come
Anytime now"

Mina smiled at dayhun's comforting words. She is beyond thankful for having met dayhun as she gained a trustworthy friend and an unnie thru her.

Dayhun left Mina at the parking lot as she needs to attend to her classes. Mina stayed at the parking lot waiting for chaeng. Finally after a while, chaeng's car arrive. Mina was nervous and sad at the same time as she doesnt know how to approach chaeyong.

Chaeyong went out to her car as usual. She already saw Mina from afar and actually to be honest, she doesnt know what to feel anymore. She loves mina she knows it. But she is also hurt from what happened between the two of them. She longs to see Mina, she is concerned for her wound as she promised to check it daily. All these thoughts were in her mind but she doesnt know how to deal with it anymore as she is beyond scared that their status is widely different and the insults she got from the latters mother was beyond control.

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