Part 8

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The next day..

Mina woke up feeling chaeyong besides her. She still at the suite room admitted. She felt the cub's warm skin, she must have still the fever. She kissed chaeyong's lips softly as she prepared and fix herself. She will not go to work today as she needs to be with chaeyong when the cub will wake up.

She called her mother for an update for chaeng,and informed of her latest condition. Her mother pacified mina and tell her not to worry as their doctors are good. She just hope and pray for the best and nothing serious.

A knock on the door was heard, mina open the door and revealed a very worried dayhun. Dahyun hug mina as she enters the room. Mina softly smiled to the worried unnie.

" how is chaeng mina?" She carefully enters and slowly walks to chaeng's bed.

" she is still having a fever dayhun. Im really worried about her, they took test for her yesterday and im waiting for the results. Mother said we have the best doctors so i need not to worry, but i cant help it dayhun.." she look down to the sleeping chaeng and touch her forehead.

Dayhun became quiet, and looks at the couple. They look perfectly together she thought. Dayhun already saw the reports of chaeng's blood tests and to be very honest. She knew something is wrong with it. She couldnt just diagnose it right away as she needs more test to confirm. She was sad to have known the reports as wish to herself that her confirmation should be wrong. Too much thoughts and worries were in her head right now. What if her diagnosis of chaeng's medical condition is true? She cannot lose her bestfriend. Not now or anytime soon. She was at lost on her thoughts that she didnt even hear Mina asking her how is her.. she was back on herself when she feels a tap on her shoulder.

"Dayhun, are you okay? Im just asking if you want to have some coffee with me? What's the matter? Is there something wrong?" Mina notice sadness and worries on the unnie's face.

" oh, yeah sure ahmm why not. Ahmm Mina, i need to tell you something about chaeyong."

Mina sats down and hold dayhun's hands. She sincerely looks her in the eyes and waited for the doctor's explanations.

"Ive seen chaeyong's laboratory test as im a senior resident here. And i know that this might lead to something not good. I would suggest to do more tests for her, to confirm my diagnosis. The consultant will discussed this to the both of you and me, but i want you to be strong no matter what. Do you understand me mina? "

Mina's faced was shocked and she couldnt believe it.  She looks at the sleeping cub and she was about to cry but she holds it until the doctor will explained to them the results and what needs to be done.

After an hour of waiting, the consultant came and spoke to the three. Chaeyong was now awake and feels weak but she was able to understand.

" ms mina, chaeyong?  Im sure dayhun already said something about our initial
Findings about your illness chaeyong. Dayhun will you do the explanations."

"Of course director kim..uhmm chaeyong, im sure you will understand what im gonna say to you as your a doctor as well. You know i love you right? As well as mina." Tears was visible to dayhun's eyes.

Chaeng looks sincerely to her unnie's eyes and she seems worried.

"Unnie, just tell me what's wrong, i know that you love me and mina, your my best friend unnie. What is it?" Chaeng weakly smiled.

Dayhun holds chaeyong hands and hugs her.
"Chaeng, the lab tests showed, you have an acute leukemia. Its a blood disease Mina, we need to run more tests for you chaeng to know the extent. I will help you treat this one chaeng, i promise you." As she wipe her tears that was due to fall.

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