Part 10

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The next morning, the couple woke up still at the hospital more happier than as compared to yesterday. Mina continues to assist chaeng on her routine while she is still unwell and on her medications. They were actually waiting for dahyun and director kim for the results of the tests done yesterday with latter.

A little while later, the two doctors came and talked to the couple.

"How are you feeling now chaeyong?" Director kim said.

"A little much stronger than yesterday doc, uhmm is there any news?" The cub replied.

"Yes, actually the results were positive for acute leukemia. Im sorry to have break it with you. But as dayhun explained yesterday, if we start the chemotherapy as early as now, then we can prevent the spread of it. But there are complications chaeng, you knew this right?" Director kim seriously said.

Chaeyong look at the two doctors and not her head. The confirm diagnosis was not the best news she is expecting to hear but she knew in her heart that she cant do anything but to comply. Chaeyong hold mina's hands who is now on tears and on the berge of crying again with the saddened news she heard. Chaeng hugs mina and pacified the taller girl.

"Shhh..babe, its gonna be fine, we've talk about this right? Stop crying now. You' ll get sick of crying.." chaeng speaks softly as she rubs the goddess back.

Mina broke the hug and look at chaeng's eyes, she was beyond surprise to see chaeyong smiling like it was easy for her. Is she not worried? Mina thought. Mina felt anger boiling up inside of her as if she felt like she is the only one hurting. She didnt expected her sudden anger towards chaeng's reaction and she replied angrily.

"Why are you smiling?! Do you think this is funny chaeng? Your sick for goodness sake! You have cancer and yet it seems to me that your alright with it?! Dont you see im hurting?! Whats wrong with you?!!" She shouted at chaeyong which earn a surprise and stun reaction from the cub,as well as the two doctor's inside. Dahyun tried to calm mina and butt in..

"Mina hey please calm down,..c'mon lets just go-" she was interrupted by chaeyong who is now looking down.

"Doctor dayhun,director kim, thank you for the information. I would really appreciate if we start the treatment asap. Im sorry for the commotion now and if you dont mind, i would like to speak to mina in private.." she bowed her head to the two doctors.

"Okay doctor chaeyong,as you wish. Please call us when your ready," director kim said and bowed to the couple. Dayhun just nods her head and the two doctors left the room.

When they are alone, mina and chaeng just kept their distance and kept silent for a while. Mina knew its not right to shout at chaeyong knowing her condition but she couldnt help it. On the other hand, chaeng knew that mina didnt understand what was happenning and was lost,.she kept silent until mina broke the silence.

" why would you not say something chaeyong?, does my feelings dont matter to you anymore?!" She shouted again as tears started to fall down on her cheeks. Chaeyong was being patient with mina's uncontrollable reaction as she knew anger will not help them
Both. Chaeyong look up at Mina's eyes and for the first time Mina saw the sadness that clouds her lover's eyes. She was taken aback as she looks at her lover. It was a reaction full
Of sadness and worry directed towards Mina.
Mina fell silent until chaeng spoke sotfly.

"What do you want me to say Mina? Do you want me to say how angry and upset i was knowing that im gonna die anytime soon?..
Do you want me to tell you how much broken i was now? Knowing that all my dreams for myself and for us were shattered because i have cancer?! Or did you even know how scared i am now of losing you in the process?! Is that what you wanted to hear mina?! Huh??! Is that what you want to hear from me?!!
Why dont you answer me now huh? This is what you want right?!!" Chaeng raised her voice as she was trying to be patient but she cannot control it anymore.

"Til Death do us part..i love you.."Where stories live. Discover now