Part 7

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After 6 months..

6 months had pass and chaeyong and Mina's relationship were becoming more stronger and deeper as they thought. The couple was evey happy as Mina's mother was finally slowly able to accept their relationship after chaeyong strives to show the myoui's that her intentions are pure for their daughter.

One night, chaeyong was invited to the myoui's family dinner with Mina, as this has become their weekly duty as a couple to the mina's parents. They were happily eating, but chaeyong felt a little light headed. Mina notices this from her girlfriend and immediately ask her the problem.

"Babe, are you alright? You look pale. Is there something wrong?" Mina worriedly said.

Mina's notices mother also notices this as she becomes a little worried to her daughter's girlfriend.

" hmmm chaeyong, maybe your too focus on your upcoming residency at seoul hospital that's why you havent have enough sleep huh? Just take it easy okay? We know your good" mina's mother complimented chaeyong. Yes chaeyong is already about to start her residency as an orthopedic resident at his father's hospital,so she basically study and make some duties here and then. Mina on the other hand started her training to their company in preparation for her upcoming position.

"Uhmm im just a bit tired, mrs myoui. Please dont worry, i can manage this. I have medicines here with me. Residency is a bit tough you know ma'am, so i need to study harder" chaeyong smiled to them.

"Mina,let chaeyong sleep there at your place for the night. So that you can check on her, arraso?"

"Yes oemma. Lets eat babe so that we can let you rest" mina warmly holds chaeyong's hands. As they continue to eat.

After the dinner, the couple said their goodbye to Mina's mother.
" thank you so much for inviting me to the dinner ma'am. Its really an honor for me" chaeyong told mina's mother.

"It was nothing chaeyong, your a family now. Just take a rest okay?" As she hug chaeyong.

" we will go now oemma. Thank you for tonight" as mina kissed her mother goodnight.

The two couple entered their car, and mina notices something different about her lover. Her lover was a bit pale as compared to earlier at their dinner. Her breathing was hard and she is sweating so hard. Mina worriedly check her girlfriend, and she was right. Her lover is running a high grade fever. Chaeyong was slowly drifting to sleep in an instant and Mina dialled her mother's phone.

"Mina, what happened. You just left right?"

"Oemma, chaeyong is running a high grade fever. What do i do, im here at our car. She looks pale oemma as compared to earlier at our dinner. Oemma im scared..please help me" mina was crying already as she doesnt know what to do in this situation.

"Mina, calm down. Is she awake or sleeping now. Dont panic baby, its over fatigue i guess. Okay, bring her to the seoul hospital and i will call the medical director there to check for chaeng. Is her father also there right?" Her mother worriedly said.

"Uhmm no oemma as of the moment. Uncle son is at the US for a conference of ortho surgeons. Please call them oemma our doctors to help chaeyong. Im so worried."

"Baby, just drive her there now and let them take care of chaeng okay, dont cry. We will hope its just a fever due to over work. Call
Me for updates okay? I called director Kim already. He will be there to assist you. Okay baby? I love you and take care okay?"
Her mother lovingly told her.

"Thank you oemma, i love you too"

With that Mina hung up her call at drive towards the hospital. While on their way, she constantly check on the sleeping cub as her tears wont stop falling. She tried to wake up chaeng but the cub is on deep sleep. She must have been really ill she thought to herself.

"Babe just hold on okay, i'll get you help okay?" As she kissed chaengs hands.

They arrive at the seoul hospital and when the nurses saw mina's car. They immediately help mina to put chaeyong on the stretcher. She was met by dr kim..the medical director.

"Miss mina, im doctor Kim. What happen to doctor son?" The director ask. Mina answered the director politely although worry was seen at her face.

"We were having dinner earlier at our home but she's already pale and complains of lightheadedness, then when we left off , i notice she looks more pale than before and her breathing was harder and she is sweating so much. Thats when i knew she has fever and so i called mother, and brought her here. Please doc, treat her well."

"Dont worry ms mina, maybe its just over fatigue. You know doctor chaeyong. She is really hardworking. Anyway let's go inside as she will be treated there. We will see if we need to admit her for observation. Please join me"

Mina and director kim entered the vip emergency room and there she saw her lover with tubes connected to her hands and machines were connected to her body. She is still sound asleep, she went near chaeng and kissed her softly. She allowed the nurses to do some blood test for chaeng and she was informed that chaeng will be transferred to the suite room upstairs for observation. She just agreed and called dayhun to inform
Her and she called her mother too for updates.

After like one hour, chaeng was already transferred to the suite room. She was half awake and half asleep as mina stayed by her side.

"Babe..your awake? How are you feeling babe. I got so worried for you since we left the house. I called mother and told me to bring you here" she kiss chaengs lips softly. Chaeng smiled at her warmly.

"Baby, im just tired dont worry,stop crying okay? Its just maybe the work and school thats why i got sick. Dont worry"

"Of course i will worry silly. I love you know. I will stay with you tonight okay? Now take a rest babe so that you will feel better"

" i love you too so much. Stay with me okay?"

" i will baby.. sleep now"

Chaeng close her eyes as mina cuddled beside her. The couple sleept together as much as possible. Hoping tomorrow would be a good news for chaeyong's health.

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