Part 1

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My name is Son Chaeyong, 18 years old and I am on my junior year at Seoul University taking up Medicine. Yes i want to become a doctor like my father.  My father whom I adore so much is an orthopedic surgeon, a doctor for the bones and stuff. He is my inspiration since I was a kid. He and my mother supports me in this ambition of mine and  im just so fortunate to have been blessed with a good pair of parents like them. Anyway I am also an open lesbian, and never been into a relationship since. Maybe, im just too focused on my studies that's why i didnt really mind falling in love or looking for a girlfriend.

My friends, Dayhun unnie and Tzuyu told me that I am a campus hearthrob, i find it funny as i always see me as an ordinary type, but everytime i will pass by my college' hallways, i can see ladies cheering and whispers my name. I just smiled at them, girls are girls right? And they must be treated with respect.

Anyway today is a new day at college, i woke up a bit early to prepare for school. I took a bath and it feels so good. I wore my favorite white shirt and black pants that fits me nicely,my white adidas yeezy shoes and a black baseball bomber jacket. I look myself in the mirror and yeah i look good. I comb my hair nicely, yes i have a long hair that flows naturally and i keep it soft all the time, i wore my eyeglasses as i couldnt read without it, such a geek right? And a white baseball cap to protect my hair. I went down to the kitchen to grab breakfast before i head to school.

As i went down, i saw my parents eating at the kitchen.

"Hey oemma, hi appa. Good morning to both of you"

"Hi chaeng, hows your day? Wow you look gorgeous my daughter" my dad said. I smiled through his comment.

" thanks appa. Im good, school is good appa, "

" that's nice to hear chaeng,take your food so that you will get to school early."

" thanks oemma.."

" are you crushing on someone now chaeyong?" My dad said out of nowhere as it took me by surprise.

" none so far appa, i will introduce her to you dont worry hehe"

" find someone who will love you and accept you for who you are baby, okay? Be very careful"

"Yes appa. Anyway i have to go oemma appa, have a good day"

As that i kissed my parents goodbye and got out of the house and get in to my car.
Im on my halfway on the road to school when i can feel that there is something wrong with my car. It suddenly stop at the middle of the road. I parked my car at the side and went out and checked what's wrong. I opened the front hood and see the smoke came out.

What the hell happened to you tiger? I said to my car. I call her tiger by the way. I checked the engine and to be honest i dont know what is happening, i maybe taking up medicine but to be very honest i dont know anything about cars. I tried to pull some buttons here and there and start the car but it failed. Im beginning to be very impatient as im running late for my class. Oh jesus! Did you just die on me tiger? I silently screamed my anger and frustration.

As i was started to be pissed off, standing at my car, out of my anger i kick off a small stone, i didnt look where the stone hits when i heard a loud scream of hurt from a lady that came out of the blue..

"Ouch!! Woah that hurts! Are you trying to kill me or what?" She said to me holding her forehead as i see her walking towards me. I got surprised as  she got near me. i saw blood on her forehead. Gosh! I must have hurt her. I came quickly on the lady and checked her.

" oh my god! Im so sorry miss! Oh my goodness, uhmm wait!  Pleas come and  sit here for a while, let me have a look at it, god im
So sorry, i didnt mean to hurt you miss. "
I open my driver seat and let her stay inside as i examine her forehead. I took out my first aid kit from my bag and immediately attend to her wounds. I examine her wound and my goodness! I really hit her hard. The wound was centimeter deep and i cleaned it nicely. As i was cleaning, i heard her speak..

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