Chapter 26- All Out

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>.< I'm so happy! A new episode of Tokyo Ghoul root a came out!

"Ready?" Jasper asked as he patted the car. They actually had a road in, it would've been nice to know when I was coming but whatever, they were going to drop us off at Nolan's car and we were going to go to Nolan's

We had all said our goodbye's, slow and sad goodbyes for them. They were leaving what they built here for me.

"Have a safe trip! Call us when you get settled in." Mary said as she waved with Jim.

I giggled and waved to them as we drove past them "I love your parents."

"Well I'm glad you don't hate them." Peter chuckled with his hands on the wheel.

"Never." I laugh. Who would hate those two? I'm just surprised we managed to fit most of the luggage in the back, the other things are just going to be shipped there.

I sighed and rubbed my face "We're going to have to stay at a hotel for a few months near the land, they have to rebuild the house."

"It's fine, besides we're helping. It'll get things done faster since we have more stamina than humans." Peter assured.

"Yea, the more werewolves the faster we get it finished." Jasper laughed from the back.

In a few short minutes we arrived at the car.

"Just follow us!" I waved at Jasper and Lizzie as we backed out of the parking lot.


"Hey!" I shouted as we walked up to a grinning Nolan.

"You've met your true love huh?" Nolan said as he shook Peter's hand "Nice to meet you Peter."

"Don't worry, you'll meet yours soon." I winked and pointed "this is Jasper and Lizzie."

"Nice to meet you" Nolan nodded as he shook their hands.

"What are you guys doing here though? Shouldn't you be halfway to the land?" Andrew asked as he appeared out of nowhere.

"Hey you!" I smiled "want to get rid of me already? I still needed to return the car you know."

"We don't want to delay you guys," Nolan shook his head "just promise me I can come visit once the place is done." 

I pouted at the guy, I just wanted to talk a little longer "fine." This was just and extremely quickly hello and goodbye.

I pulled both of them in for a hug as Andrew leaned in "Can't wait for you kids, they're going to be crazy."

I tensed up and felt my cheeks heat up. What the hell was with everyone and kids.

"What did he say?" Peter asked as he chuckled.

"The same the thing Logan said" I muttered as I waved to them.

Peter chuckled as he pulled me to him "I do want kids," he nodded "but it's way too early for that, especially when we still need a place to live." he laughed.

"Yea." I whispered and smiled. I quickly grabbed the car keys from his pocket and ran "I'm driving!"


"Are we there yet?" Jasper moaned in the back, snuggling up with Lizzie.

"What are you? A kid?" I laughed. We were almost there, it had been a few hours since we left and we were just 15 minutes away. 

As I drive into a trail on the forest I look around. Everything seemed normal I guess. I drove deeper into the forest, closer to the land. I widened my eyes as I saw the trees that shielded the land, scorched. black lifeless trees stood surrounding the land.

"Rain miraculously stopped the fire." Jasper muttered "it's rare for the rain to stop a fire of that size."

I bit my lip as I felt a hand squeezing my shoulder. I drove closer, before stopping. I slowly got out of the car, trembling in horror.

"Shh, it's okay" Peter hushed and held me.

The remnants of the pack house were basically nonexistent. Everything had almost burned to nothing, a skeleton of my old house stood, threatening to crumble to the ground. I was surprised the wind didn't knock it down.

I rubbed the tears away as something caught my eye. 

"Andrea... the ones who managed to escape, we made graves for the ones who didn't some we weren't able to identify..." Jasper trailed off as I stepped closer to the graves dragging Peter behind.

This was something that I had to see everyday for the rest of my life. Mom, Dad, Ally, everyone. I'm going to make you guys proud.

I huffed as I turned around. I didn't cry that much, I guess after about a year since it happened I already let it all out. 

"You okay?" Peter whispered as he moved a strand of hair out of my face.

You know what? I think I handled it better just because Peter was here. I can't imagine how I would've been like without my mate here.

I slowly nodded "yea," I gave a small smile "let's get everything cleaned up."

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